this was keeping me up at night, thank you
this was keeping me up at night, thank you
I have a sneaking suspicion that Joel’s flock will thin out come next week.
I have to agree, I’m in the California guard and I can already see the the look on my supply seargent’s face when I tell her, “it’s ok, it’s not going anywhere. It’s stuck in the water”. I’m sure that would go over well.
Where they’re going, there are no roads..
Don’t hat tip me, David. Hat tip those rednecks with the aforementioned pay checks.
This is exactly the scenario the dude dreamed about when he first got his giant ridiculous truck. He must be so, so happy. Also, well done.
I’m pretty stoked about this. I know there are many many layers and nuances, but seeing these back yard enthusiasts apply their handiwork to an actual real world event makes me re-think some things.
I kinda hope they are?
Mattress Mack is a hero. Joel Osteen is a loser and I hope he’s run out of town.
“Sure, centrists, liberals, “good” conservatives and the rest of these white pundits may argue that violent, overt white supremacy is bad, but they’re not really arguing against it because it’s actually bad.”
Anarchist don’t really want anarchy. If they were actually divorced from the creature comforts they’ve become accustomed to, they wouldn’t know how to function. They’re just more people cut from the “government doesn’t do something to help me specifically so fuck it, let it all burn” ground.
Generally Anti-facists are not bad at all.
Fantastic work by that reporting crew to get that driver out of the truck.
Oh man, she changed her fucking heels for sneakers when they landed in Texas. Other things to worry than fucking fashion during disasters.
Exactly. She’s not wrong for being upset and angry—her life is upended and the chances of her and her family receiving adequate help seem slim.
Is she being disparaged? What happened was a “furious outburst”, “lashing out”, and “going off”, but is any one faulting her for that? I didn’t get that sense from the linked articles. Was it just because of the general use of the terms? Yeah they can have a negative connotation when they are used in stories of…
Reporting on a reporter getting yelled at for reporting. Now I’m commenting on it. Meta.
Hurricane Harvey doesn’t give a fuck what color you are or where you fall on the socio-economic ladder. We’re all just down here trying to survive. I challenge everyone to stop flapping their lips in an internet comment section and donate, or give blood, or come down here and help us.