“I’m not going to call the game? Why on earth not”?
“I’m not going to call the game? Why on earth not”?
This is so dumb and unnecessary. Sure, the right-wingers who are mad about it for the wrong reasons, but this is still monumentally dumb, and perfect example of a company that desperately wants to be as safe as possible tripping over its own dick.
It should be noted that a chemical being on the IARC list of “possible” carcinogens is not terribly indicting; the threshold to get on that list is very very low. Caffeine is on it, for instance, as are aloe Vera, ginkgo biloba, “carpentry and joinery”, diesel fuel, dry cleaning, pickled vegetables, magnetic fields,…
It’s worth noting that J&J changed the way it produced talcum powder in the early seventies to remove the asbestos contaminant implicated in the original studies.
Quoted from the article: “By keeping one ship on a steady course and speed, the policy is designed to prevent both ships from making simultaneous corrections which would only serve to make the encounter more dangerous.”
Well... at least we know the Arleigh Burke class destroyers can take a hell of a lot of battle damage and stay afloat.
Where do we draw the line with “unpopular opinions?” Since gun ownership is considered a “right” could other rights be suppressed for having a negative opinion? Who decides? The current admin doesn’t like BLM and thinks they are a danger. How would we respond to having their freedom of assembly taken away because of…
I want to be PERFECTLY clear. The FOUR comments (granted they are internet comments and not literal), ALL condone or promote violence when the girls who while may or may not have been attempting their own type of NON-VIOLENT protest. And you wonder, why things aren’t getting better. There are MANY steps before…
Is there a Martlin Luther King Blvd anywhere yet?
as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.
Literally at least one person.
“I didn’t fight Nazis so I could touch a fancy screen and get my ass warm.”
Meanwhile, lurking in the background, a disgruntled driver who thought this was a Cars & Coffee, looks for a place to crash for the night.
Any chance we could get the images straight off the computer instead of them as photos of a screen? Makes photoshop stuff pretty tricky..
My gynecologist is a male, he is a professional doctor. He has never been anything but professional toward me, and he makes me feel comfortable and well cared for and he is the most gentle gyno I have gone too thus far. Going to the gynecologist is NOT sexual in any way. Most of the time, it’s quick and slightly…
Where did you take that ethics class? This article is almost entirely bullshit and is based on myth that’s largely been debunked.
New options on 2018 Porsches:
Telling people to pick a side is contributing to the problem. This is exactly the divisiveness Trump is hoping to create and is only going to fuel the extremists. Let them march on their beliefs and let them show the world how ignorant they are. Then organize your own march the following day which WILL outnumber…
As a white male republican, I must say, FUCK THIS GUY and I hope he “falls” a few times on purpose accidentally
Adding what appears to be an almost entirely socialist staff for Splinter seems to have been effective. It is laughable as full socialism has literally never worked in practice and that every country an American references as a shining light of socialism is actually just a market economy with a bigger social safety…