Coming this fall to Amazon Prime... The Reasembler... with a few car video interludes
Coming this fall to Amazon Prime... The Reasembler... with a few car video interludes
I think people who were charged with a crime after one of these events happened would be happy to call it a riot. Isn’t rebellion considered treason? A federal crime? Punishable by death? I cant find a straight answer so I would be interested to know.
What political goals do people have as they loot their neighbor’s gas station or store?
The word “riot” is historically coded. It’s been used selectively in this country to report on majority black and brown communities clashing with law enforcement.
If TVs are stolen , stores are looted or a brick is thrown at a truck driver’s head, it is a riot.
Fabrication of new definitions to back political goals. You mock the english language.
And injecting race into the conversation when the conversation is explicitly about what the definition of words are is also one of the oldest tricks in the book. The original author’s effort at Orwellian “Newspeak” to shift the conversation by making up new definitions of words didn’t go unnoticed either.
The conversation is not explicitly about defining something in the context of race...unless you’d prefer to use the term “race riot” because that’s so much better, right?
Did Nat Turner “riot”?
Fron my recollection, industrial scale cellulose alcohol is still not economically viable, even before considering land utilization opportunity cost.
Here’s a real one:
The guys building the cars are making half what the office does? Wow, how did they get such cheap engineers?
Former U-2 pilot here. We use the cars during engine start, taxi, and takeoff for the same basic reason we do on landing: The pilot can’t see much while wearing the pressure suit, so it’s good to have an extra set of eyes watching what is going on. During ground ops, we show our ejection seat safety pins to the…
We already have a picture of a Beetle posted.
I feel like I could Tetris 3, maybe even 4 babies in there.