Minor quibble: the Scud actually *is* a ballistic missile — just not an intercontinental one. Range, depending on variant, is from 130 km to 700 km. (For comparison, the original ballistic missile, the V-2, had a range of about 320 km.)
Minor quibble: the Scud actually *is* a ballistic missile — just not an intercontinental one. Range, depending on variant, is from 130 km to 700 km. (For comparison, the original ballistic missile, the V-2, had a range of about 320 km.)
These types of missions take a lot of planning. The wheels were already in motion during the transition. So yes he did technically green light the mission, but didn’t execute the mission (common for Obama).
AS a veteran, I have to ask....
Of course you don’t. You’re a fucking idiot asshole.
Listen, I didn’t vote for Trump and I dislike his leadership style, but let’s be clear about one thing. The President didn’t get the Chief killed no matter how you dress it. There were several layers of leaders doing risk assessment and mission prioritization between those two things. The President isn’t the guy…
Considering Obama “looked presidential” because he gave a good speech, and Bush didn’t “look presidential” because he was barely literate and always looked like he was wearing a suit one size too big...
If Obama can blame Bush for 8 years, I think Trump can blame Obama after 5 days
Remote Controlled Freedom Delivery System.
While he was eating dinner with the Joint Chiefs Chairman and the Secretary of fucking Defense.
How many more soldiers have to die before he’s up for a Nobel Peace Prize though?
I hate to even remotely defend the guy, but this is just TV ratings, which are near meaningless these days. I watched on Facebook Live. Twitter streamed it. The numbers aren’t comparable to 8 years ago.
Not everybody plays nice with each other.
I get what you are saying, but to say Carryn was trotted out is a huge sign of dis-respect brother. She is a mother to 3 kids, and a co-worker at a gym I work at in Virginia Beach. Don’t belittle Carryn by saying she was trotted out there. She had a choice to go, and she did, to honor Ryan. I get how you are…
Probably a full load of fresh fruits and vegetables bound for North Korea. (read: empty)
Jeez. I think I’d rather blow up than have something cut me in half.
This reminded me of the scientist that trained a frog to respond to loud noises by jumping. After he amputated the frog’s legs, it would no longer respond to loud noises, and therefore he concluded that frogs hear through their legs.
he verified nothing other than the Tesla doesn’t NEED more than 2. Any programmer with a damn will program for system failures and cameras becoming unusable due to obstruction.
Wouldn’t that be because this was set in a period 100 years ago? The selections of weapons were a bit slim back then...
EA also teased the new “Paths of Glory” game mode, where one player gets to play the aristocrat class and has to shoot three of his own teammates for cowardice.
I spy with my little eye: Reebok Pumps!!