Less competent? Absolutely? More corrupt? Pfffffffffffft
Less competent? Absolutely? More corrupt? Pfffffffffffft
Ahhh yes, the classic Russian argument: “You cant get mad at us for all of our extreme bullshit! Bullshit is everywhere!”
Keep in mind that the Kremlin has also been accused of poisoning former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko’s food with dioxide in 2004
In a car that gap is huge, in a plane that is closer to another plane than you ever what to be
Keep in mind this is the same guy that pulled a belly landing on Star Killer Base in the MF. #scruffylooking
Violation of Minsk II is FAR from one-sided.
Disclaimer: Lived and worked in Donetsk for 2 years and Kiev and Moscow for a year apiece, was forced out by the war, have family and friends still living there. I was there for the “referendum”, the rolling of Russian armor down Artema St. (the main avenue in Donetsk), the Chechen mercs coming to town to promote…
Disclaimer: Lived and worked in Donetsk for 2 years and Kiev and Moscow for a year apiece, was forced out by the war, have family and friends still living there. I was there for the “referendum”, the rolling of Russian armor down Artema St. (the main avenue in Donetsk), the Chechen mercs coming to town to promote…
BOTH of the Shuttle disasters were disasters primarily because the Shuttle was mounted on the side of the launch vehicle. In the case of a failed booster, such as Challenger had, the Orion has a launch escape system to push it clear of any explosion. In the case of loose ice or foam, such as what doomed Columbia, the…
Because Ukraine is bad at defending its Eastern border?
The point is entirely relevant. The Germans, at least historically, wanted our bases there for their own protection, and any benefit to their economy is, so to say, frosting on the cake. We have no need of German bases here for our protection and comparing what we might charge Germany to establish bases here with…
I’m glad to hear they’re looking into this. Half the battle for space exploration is good PR, and sending man back to the moon asap would certainly help get some momentum for further explorations. Deep space exploration is a cause we should all be behind, even if you don’t necessarily agree with the execution.
Well lets be 100% honest here. We should have never built the space shuttle.
I don’t recall Obama sending any help when, you know, there was a chance for Ukraine to actually win.
You can get much more bang for your buck when you skimp on salaries, throw stuff in the ocean instead of disposing of it properly, leave maintenance to the foreign buyers, and consider safety and survivability to be a vodka ration.
They should sell a
gun-less, unarmoredversion with a lawnmower underneath.
Yeah, French weapons are great. They have never been fired and only dropped once.