Raging Bulldog Jr.

To be fair, countless judges and legal scholars have called for Gorsuch to criticize Trump’s comments. Gorsuch is in a unique position in that Trump has already endorsed him, so when Gorsuch criticizes Trump it seems like non-partisan commentary. If another federal judge criticized him, then Trump would just dismiss

Ford wouldn’t let Tesla have the Model E either. That’s why it’s called the Model 3.

I know right, like Porsche’s... ewww (sarcasm). It is beautiful the way it is.

Amsuingly they may not be able to change it much. The shape of the front of cars is partially dictated by regulations regarding auto-pedestrian impacts.

Nope looks good without it, as opposed to like everything else.

Ford won’t let Tesla have a model T.

Actually, what happened was the mission commander requested a delay for a new moon for better cover, which caused the mission to be pushed until after the change in administration.

Considering I just got through chastising someone for not paying attention to available information, I’m going to have to go ahead and ask to see those “reports.”

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Dismisss....

Trump didn’t plan this raid, you know. Neither did Obama.

That comment is disgusting. You can criticize the success of a mission regardless of whether anyone is killed, and arguably more so when there are causalities.

That’s a hell of a photo.

Everything I read in that article seems to point that they are looking to incorporate a LAIRCM or DIRCM system on the B-52 which is not really that big of a deal, I didn’t see anything pointing to a specific offensive capability. We’ve been operating LAIRCM on a number of Air Force aircraft for decades now, it’s an

Fun fact when that movie was made the cockpit of the B52 was still somewhat classified the Air Force wouldn’t let the film crew inside of one. They made that super accurate set from 1 picture and making assumptions from a B29.

Anti-personnel lasers are probably illegal under international law.

That’ll buff right out...

He reads at a sophomore level...

You don’t win a war by dying for your country, you win it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his.

Forget about Lockheed, this is a much more interesting way to save friendly and take enemy lives, courtesy of a former editor of this website:

What color is his Hawaiian shirt?