This thread is very informative. Thank you!
This thread is very informative. Thank you!
Her name is like a badly misinterpreted Voice-to-Text message.
Its remarkably dangerous to block highway traffic and to tamper with heavy equipment. Why wouldnt there be stiff laws against such things?
Yes, I’m sure the fucking Pentagon is interested in your opinion on this.
The bullet goes Mach 2.4 while the Mach 1.88 at altitude so the bullet does go backwards but has almost no momentum... a plane hit by the bullet is mainly damaged by its own velocity hitting the slow round. This is one reason tail guns have mostly been retired, the bullet while slowdown rapidly and they have very poor…
Russia makes statement designed to erode trust in American institutions
Now just wait for a Russian plane to get shot down under mysterious circumstances and America gets blamed.
Oh, for God’s sake. The minute Trump institutes a Trump Youth and starts corralling Muslims and other Undesirables into camps, I’ll be the first person to come back here and admit I was wrong. Until then, let’s try and keep our opposition fact-based.
The people that voted Trump in did so specifically because of the fact that he is anything but a politician. The Twitter tantrums, the coarse and demeaning language, all of that is just more evidence for them that he doesn’t care about political correctness, but about getting shit done. At this point I’m not sure…
They didn’t lose America in the first civil war...
The sensationalism surrounding this incident is just incredible to me. Yes, this is a serious incident, but only for the fact that it calls into question the reliability of the Trident missile system as employed by Great Britain. All of this “potential to kill millions” fluff is annoying.
Some people can’t get over some things . . .
I’m mad about this because it totally justifies Fucking Richard Spencer continuing to drive this “white man victim” narrative. He can now say that the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. Did this change his mind about his fucked up, misguided beliefs? Not a chance. Did it further entrench him and…
Guy who passed high school civics detected.
What about the KKK? Do they get to live? Oh and what about people who are not formally affiliated with either group but hold the same ideas? Do they get to live? What about virulent homophobes? Is it ok to kill them? Because if so you just called for the death of like 80% of all muslims worldwide and pretty much every…
So based solely on someone’s beliefs, we should physically assault them? If someone is anti-gay marriage, I should beat the shit out of them until they change their mind? If someone voted for Gary Johnson, I should stab them for being libertarian?
Part 2: Clearly there is a point of no return, where force is required. However in this case, we are FAR from that point. In no instance was violence accrued, except by the person off camera. If you are so far triggered by someone sitting and conducting an interview that you feel physically attacked and threatened…
I’m pretty sure all the LITERAL Nazis are either dead or living off an oxygen tank in South America. This guy didn’t kill anybody, didn’t fight in WWII, didn’t send anyone off to a concentration camp. If he did, then why the fuck isn’t he in jail?
People think and write and say terrible things all the time, they’re not…
The guy you’re arguing with evidently dismissed my comment (of course, because of his bravery), but it’s pretty funny to me that the guy championing the right to have people you don’t like beaten without consequence is accusing you, who is clearly being dogpiled here, of being a coward.
The man advocating silencing political speech with acts of anonymous masked violence does not get to call anyone a coward.