Raging Bulldog Jr.

She’d make millions if she started selling The Bible: As Annotated by Reagan.

They obviously don’t see it as endangering US foreign policy—quite the opposite. Look, I’m not arguing about Israeli policy, I’m with you there, I was more raising an ancillary point about how we talk generally about hypocrisy and intellectual consistency with regard to political positions—I think it’s pretty naive

Well its a good thing according to even this article he wasn’t found liable.

Does anyone disagree that someone who is a rapist should be punished? The problem is how do you create a procedure that determines that someone is a rapist that comports with our societal and legal view of due process.

Who they expelled. I don’t know if the school is purposefully protecting assailants, if they simply can’t construct an administrative process that results in fair outcomes, or if it is just impossible for a university to investigate criminal activities with any degree of confidence. It is a lose lose situation all

I have a problem with someone being punished by a private institute when they have not been found legally liable for it.

Netanyahu -needs- the Palestinians and he -needs- the rocket attacks and other outbursts in order to have a -them- to unite against. I expect there are elements in Palestine held territory that have exactly the same feelings about Israel and their incursions and insults. Neither side in power really wants this to ever

Ideological consistency is overrated. Seriously, nobody is ideologically consistent in the way you’re talking about, and honestly, I’m not sure we should be—the world is complicated, there are very few things you can be so staunchly principled about. It’s not inherently bad to have different opinions on similar issues

Except for everything you just said is predicated on the idea that such a thing as white genocide exists at all.

Or you just made an incredibly charitable interpretation of his (likely deliberately) vague statement. The guy said something douchey, idiotic, and deliberately inflammatory for reasons that have nothing to do with white supremacist tropes, and is now crying that he received a negative response.

On the other hand, if the situation had been reversed and Hilary had won the EC votes, but not the popular vote, how many people here would be going “Y’know, it really would be the right thing to give it to Trump”?

I’m not saying California shouldn’t count. But it comes off as sour grapes when the Electoral College has been around forever but people only now care about abolishing it because their candidate lost.

That’s the thing, there’s no indicator that it’s satire. Not even a simple lol. I’m sure he did mean it as a joke but an early lesson of the internet is that tone is not easily inferred and you need to be VERY obvious as to your intent or the mob will decide it for you.

Get right on out of here with your ‘reasonable opinion’! People should be allowed to say whatever they want without being yelled at, as long as the things people are saying aren’t things I disagree with personally!

Who do they think is at fault for this “white genocide?”

just go down to your local bank and show them your white privilge card. you’ll instantly be granted a 60k/year salary

I think I missed the vast majority of wealth line, where do I get in on that?

Everything he says is true. But it’s still not an ok thing to say you wish for “white genocide.” He trolled, and he got exactly the reaction he wanted.

That soul patch is giving me creepy touchy-professor vibes.

Dude makes pro-genocide statement on twitter. Dude is surprised that this provoked a negative response? I think we typically want a negative response to statements like that. And whatever stupid shit Breitbart probably said, the Twitter responses were not a “horde of racist trolls”. In a couple minutes of