That is a freaking mess. The only reason it passes for acceptable is because F1, which you literally have to be a professional to figure the fuck out.
That is a freaking mess. The only reason it passes for acceptable is because F1, which you literally have to be a professional to figure the fuck out.
Read Catalyst. The initial labor force was Geonosians, so some kind of cross-contamination or intentional sabotage was very possible.
In the world of IT, there are many, many storage standards, and they pretty much align with what we see here. Storage A is your basic thumb drive. Storage B is archival storage, like a backup tape. Storage C is a portable hard drive.
The Hammerhead Corvette was specifically stolen by the rebellion because they have outsized power (and very heavy weaponry) relative to their modest size.
Marketing brochures. You just know some dweeb from marketing spent hours on fonts and Pantone swatches getting that shit ready for a trade show somewhere.
The star destroyer was disabled (no engine power) and floating in space. It wouldn’t take that much power to push it, especially with the help of the planet’s gravitational pull.
Things that apparently do not matter to Jalopnik commenters:
Perhaps that was cheaper than putting life support systems in Tie Fighters?
He might have climbed to the door Krennic was shooting at them from and then took the elevator? Mind you, this was probably after his very own “Screw that.” moment when he looked up.
...(T)he movie is essentially about getting a particular data file uploaded from one server, transmitted to another server, and then physically copied onto a new medium...”
I ran for King of the Thetans. The Electoral College picked someone else.
I didn’t know Scientologists believe in the devil. Is he also an alien? Xenu’s second cousin, maybe? King of the Thetans?
RE: HIPAA violations. Medical personnel, please don’t do things like that. Celebrities have the same protection of their personal health information just like everyone else.
Too little, and wayyyyyyyyy too late.
I personally tend not to laugh out loud when it comes to Aleppo, and I’m not sure how one can be chill about war crimes, you retarded sociopath. Go spread your Russia Today filth somewhere else.
Most of the Bana-hating assholes I encounter are lefties who think everything is a plot by the imperialist West. “Fuck America” types rather than “Fuck yeah, America” types, in other words.
Where are all those Russian-apologist commenters who were saying she was a false flag? You fuckers should be ashamed of yourself. Assad and Putin have committed mass murder.
So many WWI hot takes. Like, this is the last thing we need right now, but, now, this is not like the assassination of an heir to the throne of a major world empire in 1914. Putin is not going to be declaring war against Turkey over this. Turkey is not Serbia; Turkey is many times more powerful and influential and…
That’s the ambassador on the ground. The AP Photog who took these shots has brass balls.