Raging Bulldog Jr.

The Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004. It had nothing to do with fully automatic weapons.

Only 4 mass shootings have been committed with fully automatic weapons since they began regulating them in the 1930s.

As far as I know they haven’t confirmed any details about the firearms used other than caliber.

If the Vegas shooter had been using a suppressor, the heat from continuous firing would have melted the suppressor shut. LVPD determined his location from the smoke detectors in his hotel room, not the sound of gunfire.

Parkway’s starting QB for this season had already signed with TCU before he destroyed his knee in the season opener.

Speed is normally displayed where that little lightning symbol is in the top left corner.

Also a Shreveport native. Most of us saw this as a crap deal as soon as Elio took possession of the “movables” (manufacturing equipment) and promptly sold all of it. I’m sure some of it would never have been useful to build his three wheeler, but selling off everything was a red flag.

If only she had the integrity of Sabrina Erdely...

There have been some very hefty settlements paid out already. I don’t have a link but the Atlantic did a great series of articles that takes a much more thorough and nuanced perspective than this.

Some people handle stressful situations really poorly. They just freeze up like a deer in the headlights.

A bus is much more challenging to operate than a passenger car. London has a very professional taxi service that has a challenging licensing program. Cabbies have to be able to navigate London from memory alone.

I had a blueberry iMac with matching Epson printer and external floppy drive (I don’t remember who made the floppy drive). I still have a grape iMac (that probably won’t boot up) somewhere in storage.

Bingo. This will be all about the batteries in the trailer. If the trailer is there for just a day, that’s enough to fully recharge a 100 kWh battery on a 220 outlet.

“You. Yes, you” seems to be lacking some critical thinking skills.

I think it’s more like trying to buy gas in California and telling the attendant you should only have to pay $2 a gallon because that’s the price in Texas.

Just to be clear, the majority of provider income comes from Medicare because of volume. Lower reimbursement is currently (sort-of) offset by the higher volume of services required by people over 65. That offset disappears if everyone, young and old, is insured through Medicare.

I’m not sure how military flyovers are a political statement though.

On average, Medicare payments to hospitals and physicians is about 80% of what private insurers pay.

Subs wouldn’t be able to get much info since they rely so much on sonar. The surface of a hurricane is going to have a very noisy soar profile, drowning out pretty much everything else.

As I understand it, normal storm cells can be much more dangerous for aircraft than a hurricane. A small storm has unpredictable updrafts and quick changes in wind direction. A hurricane is a much more predictable system due to the sheer size of it.