
Does it even matter? The president can’t be indicted by a criminal court. Crimes committed by the president must be addressed through impeachment. 

I wholeheartedly agree. I think it’s important to mention though that conservative judges don’t want to overturn Roe because they think abortion is a sin. They want to overturn (or limit) Roe because the decision is based on some pretty dubious legal grounds. This is a pretty widely held opinion amongst legal

What role would the SCOTUS have if Mueller finds something? 

You may not agree with her politics, but Barrett is not evil. And People of Praise is not a cult. Considering her as unfit for the Supreme Court because she’s a devout Catholic is nothing short of a religious test. 

I think private schools can do what they please as long as they don’t receive federal funds. Which is usually only the case these days in small private schools. Any large research university, public or private, receives massive amounts of federal funding. 

This is also a terrible argument against chickens. Cows consume a lot of resources. Chickens, not so much. Free-range backyard chickens can be fed kitchen scraps, and they require maybe 10 square feet per animal. They’ll even eat your grass clippings and the bugs in your yard. 

Nope. If Kennedy was in Trump’s pocket, why would he want him to retire?

It doesn’t make any sense.

Are you a GOP strategist trying to plant a seed here? Because this is exactly what they want to happen. 

A much more plausible explanation is that Kennedy was a conservative leaning justice who was appointed by Reagan. He’s seen Trump’s list, approves of everyone on it, and he’s ready to retire before he loses his mind. On the other hand, I have seen some commentary about how Kennedy might be troubled about how many

Which is even dumber than it sounds, because if he dies Trump will still get to pick his replacement. 

I don’t know why people can’t seem to understand this. Manchin, Tester, McCaskill, etc. are not going to risk their seats any more than they have to. And if they lose, they lose to Republicans. It’s not like they’ll magically get replaced with Kamala Harris clones. 

The most I could see is a strike-down that leaves it up to the states. Contrary to the way I see almost everyone portraying it, the conservative SCOTUS wing does not like to make broad sweeping changes, and they’re less likely to make “policy from the bench” than the liberal justices. 

I’m not the one that was trying to speculate on the true feelings of the Chief Justice. 

Because it would explicitly target Muslims. Including Venezuela and North Korea was probably enough to justify it as a national security issue and not religion based. 

We’re going to have to agree to disagree. The national security rationale may appear flimsy, but it’s not up to the SCOTUS to agree or disagree on appropriate national security rationale for something like foreign entry. The constitution is very clear that it falls within the discretion of the president (any

You were willing to “bet money” about Roberts agreeing with Korematsu. Just google “korematsu overturned” and read all the headlines. Are all these SCOTUS beat journalists wrong?

Don’t get too excited, because apparently this ruling is being understood as actually overturning Korematsu.

I’m not glossing over anything, but there is zero justification for blanket internment of an entire ethnic group, regardless of legal status (or generational separation from Japan). I don’t care who anyone is at war with. That is entirely different from the “lite” ban. Again, I don’t agree with the policy at all, but

There’s some confusion about if it actually is prevailing law. The DOJ made a statement in 2011 saying that evidence was suppressed or improperly presented by the DOJ in 1944, so the evidence that the ruling is based on is invalid.