
I’ve always had an irrational dislike of their livery. That’s a snake not a lizard damn it!

Umbilical cable for the telemetry gear.

That's it. Thanks.

A couple of years ago, before the GT academy, somebody brought this (Norwegian?) guy overwho was an alien in the game and had him do hot laps in a race car somewhere in the states.

It also transfers all the way back through the left side C-pillar.

The Renault is a decent looking car. Too bad it's made of papier-mâché.

Don’t have a photo, but a few years ago I saw some generic mid-size sedan with “If it ain’t King James, it ain’t the Bible” sticker.

Nova! I had a ‘73 hatchback (the only year they were made) when I was in high school.

I had an ‘86 Dodge with the immortal 318 and the 4 speed box that was really only a 3 speed unless you were taking off uphill with two horses in a trailer behind you.

Normally I love women in jeans and boots. This time I'm happy to settle for just the boots.

This week on a very special edition of MTV’s Behind the Music...

Toyota is the Ferrari of the prototype class.

Come on now, it was a GT not a Mustang.

Thank you. I’m sick of people on F1 forums complaining about the head protection devices that are being considered and saying that it’s “safe enough.”

Damn! I was 6 hours late to be able to get this tag in.

Seeing the photos I kinda liked it but was in the space in traffic as one last year for about 10 miles and saw it from many angles and I lied it a whole lot more.

Kvyat and Vettel are side by side on the grid tomorrow so there's a chance of fireworks there.

Things are so confusing right now. I read Bernie, thought Sanders, and had a bout of cognitive dissonance that nearly knocked me out of my chair.

The first time she cites PBS it's linked to a specific article and the later citation is implied to be the same source so it's really not like what you're saying.

Wehrlien didn't set a time in qualifying in China so it was pretty easy to beat him.