
It's called taper tantrums. You're hyper aware of every little niggle you feel in your legs and fee, and every bad run makes you think you're unprepared.

Carbon-latex tires are so last millennium.

In terms of exposure to possible enemy fire it’s still a much faster landing than if he had slowed down gradually as he approached the landing pad and then descended.

When I was at 8th & I thirty some odd years ago, we used the 46’s and 53’s from HMX-1 when we did field ops.

James “The Amazing” Randi!

I would have to curl up like a pill bug to get inside that thing to sleep.

Sound more like skimming money, or signing deals that benefit the person rather than the team to me.

That hasn't stopped them before.

It's Sunday so who cares about NSFW. This needs to come out of the greys.

The third plane is an F18, probably there to work as a chase plane during the trials.

As a fellow Cold War era vet I’ve also ridden in 47’s, 46’s, and 53’s and they all beat the hell out out of a deuce-and-a-half or, God forbid, an AMTRAC.

Burn her!! Burn the witch!!

I like those stories, but some of the commenters are a little unhinged.

McLaren have told K-Mag that if he gets an offer he's free to take it. They've got Vandoorne waiting in the wings and he'd get the drive over Magnusson if Butoon calls it a day.

Pretty sure that it has fewer parts than what you’re driving day to day.

Wow, all the hate floating around here with cyclists putting down running, and some runners putting down slower runners.

Actually designed to be a Jeep and a Fiat. Same basic platform for the Renegade and the 500-X except the Jeep is lifted and ruggedized.


Ha, I'm thinking of getting a Renegade and calling it a Feep.

Alex was able to catch Stevens up easily after each time he got a bit behind due to pit stops or moving over for leaders but couldn’t get past with an equal car.