
If Trump were a character on a TV show and movie, within 10 seconds of screen time I’d be sure he was the villain. Everything about him screams that he is the bad guy even before he opens his mouth.

so your idea is treat other unfair until all are treated fair? by your logic no one ever will be treated fairly

“white people dont understand”

This is lovely and I really hope it paves the way for more elasticity in marriage laws.

When Mormon women are allowed to marry more than one man, and not handed out like 10-years-of-employment rewards, they can get back to me.

16+ years boxing, but never had a fight outside the ring. A few years back I was mugged and I knocked the guy out...by hitting him with my purse while crying.

Exactly! And a ‘good guy with a gun’ is still an unknown factor. If I’m in a Starbucks, with my concealed service weapon, and I see someone in line with a visible holstered weapon, and I know this person is not a LEO (we do not carry visible weapons without a badge somewhere on us identifying ourselves), all I know

TL;DR The Blog is in part to shame American’s culture of trying to build beyond their wallet, which has created a system of builder fraud, environmentally and wallet Unfriendly homes.. and debt anchors that the owners can never sell to escape.... OR, you gotta read the blog... because I’ve pretty much written a shitty

A brush against the shoulder can be considered sexual assault...

Why are men the “core demographic” for car magazines, though? Do you have a wikipedia page you can copy-paste here to explain that?

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

Disagree. Men engaging in unwanted physical contact and entitlement to women’s bodies is a serious, dangerous, widespread, and long-lived issue. So I don’t care if woman do it to men. 

I’m an entomologist and I work with that beautiful specimen you have pictured, Ae. aegypti. To maintain a colony in the lab, I will sometimes have to feed them by sticking my arm into a cage and letting them go to town. My best advice to avoid getting a reaction is to NOT SCRATCH no matter how much they itch. Once you

Didn’t you leave a saucer of milk out for the Titty Pixies?

I have been thinking lately about the sheer naked disparity in intellect that now exists in this country....and it made me think of toddlers.

Given that she seems to think the taste of fruits and vegetables is effected by which animal pollinates, I’m going to guess she does not manage “her” bees.

i have kidney stones, and the number of hoops i had to jump through WHILE PASSING A KIDNEY STONE in order to get in to the ER, get an IV of painkillers, and then get a script so i could go home was fucking nuts.

Am I alone in being pissed that they wore veils for the pope but didn’t cover their heads in Saudi Arabia?

It’s bullshit. If Arab dignitaries that are horrified by the site of women’s skin don’t get placated with costumes, I don’t see why the hell Vatican reps should be humoured... Consistency would be nice, but I’m pretty sure there are other reasons for the double standard (gasp, could it have something to do with

I get all cranky when people attribute every damn thing to Einstein or the Dalai Lama or Gandhi (usually spelled “Ghandi” to boot). Like this fucking thing.