The Italians want their Roman-dominated part of the world back, too. As do the Mongols, for what was conquered by KHHHHHAAAAANNNN!!!!
The Italians want their Roman-dominated part of the world back, too. As do the Mongols, for what was conquered by KHHHHHAAAAANNNN!!!!
No, the world didn’t shrug. Military leaders were struck dumb because in all the projections it was believe that the Georgian Army and Air Force would throwback the Russians. Instead, the Russians crushed Georgia. The difference then is the nations were reeling economically and didn’t want to get involve in an…
The Cold War started again when the Russians annihilated the Georgian Military in two weeks when the US and Israel were training and arming Georgia to be a Vietnam for the Russians.
My sentiments exactly. Hell would freeze over before I side with Putin, but it’s getting chilly lately.
If you’re relying on CNN for anything other than weather, and even that’s suspect, then you’ve already lost.
“And you don’t start a war just ‘coz you’re uncomfortable “
I wonder if their ads will read, “Americans HATE this trick!”
Coldwar 2.0? Are you f’ing kidding me? Back in my day - the real coldwar era, we regularly pushed a W62 thermonuclear warhead, uphill, both ways, in the goddamn snow to and from the backyard bunker. And we didn’t have any of today’s fancy-dancy gore tex jackets, spiffy dosimeters, and iGeiger apps. Hell no! If we were…
Shooting down a plane because its near your ship in international waters? Unless it fired on you violates international law and maritime law and is a act of war.
I see this as an extension of Russia’s land grab in eastern Europe. Large powers around the world are realizing that Americans (while inclined to posture and yell about provocations) are unwilling to actually do anything about other nations’ actions. We’re tired of war and it’s going to be tough to sell the majority…
“This reverse mortgage business will get out of control...” Hm. Yes, I’ll allow it.
“And in other news, a new aggressive form of syphilis is rampant in western China ...”
Tyler, I don’t know how you do it. Somehow, this is the shortest post I can recall on FoxtrotAlpha, but I still never glanced over a single word. Every post is incredibly detailed, informative, with an element of unbiased analysis. As a civilian, I sincerely appreciate the insight into of DoD and its inner workings,…
Cuban missile crisis started when US stationed Jupiter MRBM missiles in Turkey and pointed them at USSR. Somehow this fact always gets skipped over and the whole story skips to Khrushchev angrily banging his shoe at the UN and shipping nukes to Cuba.
Hate to ruin your perfectly worded propaganda-rich drivel but Putin is looking anything but weak to the world right now. It’s the US that is not only looking weak but stupid and impotent as US has no strategy in Syria other than “let’s supply weapons to Al Qaeda and attack everyone else”. Yeah, that is not going to…
They're all lying empty suits. Wake the fuck up.
Here let me help you get around his trade mark claim ...Let’s get ready for Rum Bowl!!!
Now all Russia needs to do is give Syria some weapons to shoot down Turkeys that constantly violate their airspace.
“The air drop was to forces much more inclined to go after ISIS than taking on the Assad regime, which has no presence in the eastern area of Syria today.”