
I wish Valve still made games.

If we don’t expose this vile then what will happen to the egos of the women that are old and used up?  How will they attract celebrities if celebrities can date children?  These are all important questions to ask, and there’s no better person to ask them about than someone that’s been dead for years.

What an edgy comment

Oh did arenanet hurt your snowflake feelings?

Why’s that?  He’s a racist that’s helping set back race relations.  That doesn’t scream Pulitzer Prize to me.

What did TB do to make the industry worse for women?  All I know about him is that he’s some British youtube guy that rants about video games.

Good lord.  I didn’t follow gamergate, the entire thing reeks of SJW retards vs incel/edgelord retards, but what the hell did he do that someone is glad he’s dead?

All I know about this story is from this Kotaku article, but from the sounds of it the ANet employees fucked up.  I think getting sacked was a bit too far, but there definitely should have been some sort of no-social-media order or something after that whole thing.

Had to look it up too.  From the looks of it, mostly garbage.

Rofl, you are the most Fedora I’ve ever seen on Kotaku and that is a huge fucking feat.

This is the biggest problem that everybody glosses over.  Limited time content is a lazy, predatory way of boosting player retention.

What’s wrong with not lying about it?  It’s even easier than lying about it, all he would have had to say was nothing at all and he wouldn’t have made himself look like a greedy liar.

As a white person, I read this and murmured “How in the fuck is racist garbage like this being defended? This kind of trash actively alienates the people that black people NEED on their side, because that’s how the world works, if you want change as a minority, you need the help of the majority.”

The only difference he’s making is alienating white people with his racist garbage.

If white apathy is your biggest roadblock to progress then why is there so much effort to pit blacks against whites with garbage like this article?

Bingo. Dear SJW’s, stop fucking up games for everybody else.

Do you think it’s possible that video game developers could create games without being beaten down by negative opinions and political correctness so that the people that do enjoy their games don’t lose them?

No need to be so sensitive, retard

The issue people are taking with you dumb fucks isn’t that you’re against nazis, it’s that you paint anyone that disagrees with you as a nazi.

At no point during my viewing of that trailer did anything at all make me think “World War 2". If you told me this game was set in the Mad Max universe I wouldn’t doubt you at all.