This is just his fiery latin temper. It’s a cultural thing, so it’s fine.
This is just his fiery latin temper. It’s a cultural thing, so it’s fine.
Oh my, how angsty. What man hurt you?
I agree with CLupula, I think these 10 year olds need to start putting the good on display more and any man that doesn’t like it can just fuck right off.
Compare the proliferation of firearms in Japan to that of firearms in the U.S.A. If you’re going use shitty comparisons to support your argument, at least try to look at it objectively to ensure there are no obvious flaws to be picked apart.
As someone who has “ever been prescribed so much as an anti-anxiety medication”, I can confirm that I think your opinion is dogshit. Not only would I consider myself to be proficiently trained on firearm safety (more so than most Americans), I would also find it absurd that someone who’s sought help for their issues…
What a retard. The proper phrase is “hot, little piece of ass”
I also think that the majority of people threatening or hinting at suicide aren doing it for attention, but on the off-chance that someone is serious about it I don’t tell them “I dare you too”. Even if everyone in the world decides it’s cool to threaten suicide, you still have to treat every case as potentially…
It’s 2018, people need to realize they should keep their opinions to themselves.
Frosted Mini Wheats are already the best cereal out there, not even worth trying to compete with it.
This is why I stopped watching anime after high school. The last good anime I watched was Cowboy Bebop and to a lesser extent Samurai Champloo.
CoD DLC has always been the biggest load of trash DLC. I guess I’m just spoiled coming from PC shooters, because back in the day it wasn’t uncommon to play 2-3 new, free, fan-made maps a day. Now we get games shipping w/ 9 maps and we have to shell out $15 for 3 more? What a load of shit.
What are you talking about? Isha’s president is the same president every other US citizen has - Donald Trump.
I’m offended and I blame the watchers. Not just people watching boobie-streamers, but all watchers. The idea of Twitch is so god damn stupid to me, that I simply can’t process the fact that some people make enough money to live off of just from people watching them play games. I’m not mad at the streamers, I’m mad at…
This is a pretty cool story. Good on ArenaNet.
A handful of immigrants, the majority of which are unlikely to join the military, is not going to be the deciding factor in a war with another superpower.
You nailed it bud. Fuck him and his shithole. Direct quote from cofn42.
lol @ all the jealous gashes here
You say “too” as if women are oppressed. Grow up.
Ditto. I’ll be back for the DLC since I stupidly bought the mega-whatever edition based on how much I enjoyed D1, but I haven’t even loaded the game in at least a month now. It’s pretty much a dumpster fire.