They told me, as a groomsman, not to drop acid before my friend’s wedding, but fuck it, they were divorced in 18 months anyway, which I foresaw.
They told me, as a groomsman, not to drop acid before my friend’s wedding, but fuck it, they were divorced in 18 months anyway, which I foresaw.
If you’re 20 years of age and dating someone and you find yourself in a yelling argument with them, the relationship is over. Walk away and delete them from your contacts. Like that minute.
You’re fucking 20. Find someone else.
Certainly don’t hit them or throw them down some fucking stairs (????).
No kids and not living…
Ever take a school ID pic where they asked you to turn your face?
Literally no one had this perception of the word until this, outside of Lebrons team. I’ve never heard it used racially...ever. In the past Lebrons “business associates” have been criticized for poor behavior, and I am assuming Phil used posse as a call back to that, but brining race into it -with a man whose entire…
Phil Jackson got into this mess because he insulted Lebron’s friend and Lebron pretended their are some racial undertones to saying “posse” that didn’t exist until Lebron decided it was to his benefit. There are no “good guys” in this story, just good gossip.
Literally any knowledge of political demographics in this country would tell you that most cities went Clinton.
They were going to suggest a fire sale to help come up with funds, but found out that you can’t actually sell a river.
I want to go as Drew on chopped but I can’t find a store that sells a shirt even remotely as bad as that one
I mean, going back to last year they have lost their last four games.
Is that actually Smash Mouth in the header pic? I thought they had that Guy Fieri look alike.
I liked that song about his mom smoking pot, hitting the bottle and the crack rock. “All Star,” I think it’s called.
On Thursday, the Sacramento Kings will play their first game in a new arena that the city chipped in $255 million to…
But a fake punt on a 4th and 19 from your own end zone is the LAST thing the enemy would expect!!!
Sure it can, just look in your girlfriend’s nightstand.
Wait a sec—is that really a blazer sweatsuit?
This is the direct result of trying to cram the NFL into every goddamn day of the week. There’s not enough quality teams to make these unique night games worthwhile all the time. Similarly with the London games, which always seem to get the Jags.
Nah, Cubs fans existed 8 years ago.
Your “let alone” usage is backwards :)
I don’t think you know what a beer belly is.