
Hey just to add a little perspective...I work really closely with various Government research agencies, and there's a HUGE push for developing technologies for First Responders now...regardless of whether FRs will actually USE the technology being developed. It's politics man. During the latest budget circus

I'll agree that the 32X analogy was a bit off, but it was to illustrate a point: Nintendo is too busy trying to be innovative, and isn't thinking about how to link that innovation with the industry. Now, that's not to say Nintendo's in-house developers aren't top notch. They most definitely are. But Nintendo has

Honestly, is this anything new for Nintendo? Ever since the N64 it's been more about the tech or some gimmick as opposed to the games. It really looks like Nintendo is turning into Sega during the mid-late 90s. Warning Nintendo: rushing out a product that the market doesn't need and isn't a huge improvement over

Watch the episode. In a nutshell, Stan turns 10 and is now "older." All the stuff he used to like and others around him like literally sounds and looks like shit. He goes to the doctor and gets diagnosed with being "a cynical asshole." And then for most of the episode Stan goes around trash-talking everything,

Ha you can't really...take Stan's comments out of context here, even if he is talking about LA Noire. The whole point of the episode, aside from Trey Parker and Matt Stone basically saying they're tired of making South Park, was that as you get older you don't see the awesomeness in things that you once did. So

Haha no, I wouldn't say I put complete faith in a corporation to do no wrong, that'd be naive and silly. But in all honesty I do expect one of the largest entertainment megacompanies in the world to at least display a modicum of IT security savvy and damage control 101.

Of course the hackers are ultimately to blame. But hackers are a fact of life now, if it wasn't this group it would have been another. Any company that does any network-related work should expect and protect against invasion, and react appropriately when it happens. Sony did neither of those things. Yes, the act is

Hahaha awesome. Disregard my post above...this would actually make me 100% happy again.

Yeah this whole thing has really, really made me sour on Sony. I'm upset at the actual event, but I'm even more upset at the horrendous way in which Sony handled things. Seriously, as a loyal PlayStation customer since launch day of the PSOne: Fuck you, Sony. Let's make a list of how you completely screwed the

Question, internet: does anyone know if the PSN keeps a log of ALL the credit cards that have been linked to the account in the past, or just the one currently linked? Back in November I assigned an AmEx gift card as my PSN payment method just cause I wanted to get rid of it, and I never changed it back to my credit

0:01-0:18 - Cute

Hahaha dude, I thought I was the only person who did that. Not sure if it makes me feel less dumb or not, but at least I have company in my reading fail.

Not sure if anyone corrected this or not yet, but Centaurus A is the closest RADIO galaxy to us. The much more well known and observed Andromeda galaxy is the closest spiral galaxy, and is closer to us than Centaurus A by about 10 million light years. Then there's the Canis Major Dwarf galaxy, which is only a few

Nice subtle yet smug "mmm sooome people don't NEED to drive" dig there. Regardless, the average American consumption of gas in a month is a lot more than 0.

God, so much melodrama over the change. Not sure how long this will work but here, old format: [ca.gizmodo.com]

Dude I 100% agree. I could never get into this game, which I suppose might be a shame because everyone I know who DID get in to it absolutely loved it. But I hated it, and mostly because of the mechanic that you just mentioned: the goddamn ocean and boat. Seriously, navigating the world of Wind Waker was one of the

We also don't have Rowntree's Fruit Gums. Anytime I go to the UK I stock up on those bad boys but my self-control goes all Kirstie Alley and they're usually gone before I even make it back to the States. I cannot describe what it is about them that is awesome, but I approve. Now if the UK could just get the

Well hey man, maybe Spirit and Opportunity will be DLC characters then.

So I realize this is just a demo and shouldn't be indicative of how the game as a whole will turn out...but is anyone else concerned with the environment graphics? The character models and animations look great and are definitely a step forward from DA:O, but that particular level kinda looks like a step sideways, if

Anyone know exactly when today the PSN store updates? I just checked and it wasn't there yet. I'm home sick from work today Sony, don't make me use it on Killzone 3 instead!