Whaaa? The soundtrack is one of the most universally praised parts of the game. You're the first person I've heard who actually played the game to say that. I'm curious now...what about it did they consider bad?
Whaaa? The soundtrack is one of the most universally praised parts of the game. You're the first person I've heard who actually played the game to say that. I'm curious now...what about it did they consider bad?
Just to point out, WoW and all of its expansions were released in the late fall/winter time frame. But that timeframe this year is already looking pretty crowded...
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Shhhh, you're making too much sense for this country man.
@Retronick: It's okay man, it happens to the best of us. Nobody ever considers the Chaz.
@Retronick: 21st American President and baller-stache pioneer Chester A. Arthur would disagree.
@bflorin: You see that everytime you look at the sky at night. For example purposes, let's say you were looking up one night and saw a star 600 light years away go supernova. Then, in an extreme case of cosmic coincidence, you also see another star 300 light years away go supernova. You've just seen two events…
@lucasway89: I'm more or less with you on the touch/no touch distinction. The only other problem I kind of have, and I bring this up because of my fat PS3, is that glossy also seems to collect dust a LOT more than matte. Or at least the dust is a lot more visible.
Glossy vs. matte finish. Your thoughts? Personally I don't know why anyone goes with glossy anymore. This isn't 2005 and glossy looks like hell after an hour of normal use. Matte on the other hand? Color me sexy.
Sigh. Another week of updates, and another week of no Xenogears.
@GrimeyRyder: You'll love this then. A buddy of mine was so fond of the McGangBang that he decided to take it to the next level. He ordered a Baconator and a Spicy Chicken from Wendy's, and combined them for what can only be described as disgustingly delicious overkill. Just hearing him describe it made me want to…
@jjreilly1: Yup, I can confirm this. Total pain in the dick. Yes, I realize I'm slightly to blame because I didn't update, but then again I didn't think a respected app would ever bork my phone. And the whole thing looked extremely suspicious at the time, because the webpage it directed you to looked like it was…
To each their own. It's why we have the ability to form opinions. My personal case? I've hated every single Resident Evil game I've ever played because the controls are routinely horrible. And yes, I've heard the argument that "they're supposed to be like that" in order to convey some dumb sense of danger/panic,…
Are these related at all to The Onion's fake gift boxes? Cause man, I was probably the most unpopular person on the gift-giving circuit with those a few years back. You'll never forget the look on someone's face when they unwrap what appears to be a USB-powered toaster. And it looks like they have a new one this…
@minibeardeath: It's real. Check out The Third & The Seventh video mentioned in the post, then Google it and check out the compositing video and other articles related to its creation. Since this is by the same guy and is much much shorter there's no reason to suspect that this isn't real too.
@eiyaya: First of all, this game's issues go well beyond a lack of content/grinding, and I'll get to that in a moment. And I'll start by saying I'm a FFXI player and appreciate that the FFonline experience has always been considered a more difficult one than other contemporary MMOs.
@Chris101b: Hey man, just wanted to say thanks for the awesome work. They're not for everybody, especially the run-and-gun crowd that expects their Halo vids to be filled to the brim with explosions and crazy kills, but it's awesome to see another aspect of the game explored in little vignettes. Good job!
@JmJonesySF: The problem is Mayweather is afraid. As already pointed it, he called Floyd's bluff and agreed to the testing, and the Mayweather camp did nothing. He could retire now and remain undefeated, but that feat wouldn't be as admirable in history's eyes as he never did the one fight he should have to cement…
@Nomanslander: You forgot to add:
Haha we need more of these. As a sidenote, is "8-bit" now just a generic term used for these remakes? Cause it's been used multiple times for games and styles that are very obviously post 8-bit era.
Seriously, every new piece of news that comes out about this project is the worst idea ever. I can't wait until they announce next week that Tetsuo is being played by Miley Cyrus.