
Or maybe a Don-centric episode? Hope no, because I want to see more of the other characters, at least of Roger and Peggy, that need a better closure than when we last saw them.

Gene should be 7 and seems 3


I’m the only one that wants SAL TO APPEAR IN THE LAST EPISODE OF MAD MEN??!!

She knows about the whore house and Anna Draper. Don even told her in season 4 that sometimes people call him Dick, thou she was so little that I don’t think she remembers it. But what the show hasn’t ever hinted is that Don told Sally about his change of identities, from Dick to Don.

She doesn't know the whole Dick Whitman's story. Just that he lived in a childhoom home when he was little

I think that the last episode of the series will start with Betty’s funeral, so Don will need to turn home, for a while anyway. Considering his actual personal situation, I think that the show will end with Don explaining both Peggy and Sally, the two persons with whom he has true emotional bonds, his real identity

I hope that this season learns from the mistakes they had last year;
thou basically it can be resumed in one: in storytelling is fundamental to have
a closure that is up to the expectations maked by its novelty. In another
words, if you have a mystical/theology/ritual approach to the mystery, you just
can’t end it with a

Aaron Paul was awesome on Jesse Pinkman's role, but I'm not 100% sure
that he's polyvalent enough to have an extremely successful career.
Until now, his roles post-Breaking Bad haven’t been really good, thou is true
that he has had quite simple and plain characters to play lately.

Natalie Portman is the sexiest actress in the world. Period.

How does the Smoke Monster acts in ‘Left Behind’ fit with what we know about MIB motivations later in the series? Kate was a candidate, so he couldn’t kill her directly, and he flashes Juliet instead of killing her.

The magic light of the Island, that is what empowers life and death, has electromagnetic properties. In ‘Across the sea’ they were able to have the science and mystical part of the series unified, with all the part of the glowing cave and MIB constructing the frozen donkey wheel to manipulate that

When people ask what the fuck happened with Walt powers, I answer: How the fuck could Hugo see dead people or Miles hear dead bodies; or how the fuck Harry Potter had magic powers.

I love that scene between Richard and Locke, especially after seeing all the events of the final season. Fertility problems and fighting against the Oceanic’s survivors were Ben’s schemes to try to feel important in the Island, while the real goal of the others was to build a civilization that would profit of the

The Egyptian history in the Island flashback is the most wanted web series in the world. I would definitely pay to see it.

I totally feel the same. The ''return to camp moment'' is really emotive when is used sporadically and after a considerable bunch of time. But when Giacchino’s score and the construction of the scene are repeated every time a castaway returns to the beach, it just loses all the impact it had at the beginnings of the

Season 4 and 5 are the best ones: the storylines are more narrowed; the plot moves quicker than ever and the twists are more elaborated. BUT those moments during the first three season when the castaways just interacted between them without any imminent threat where one of the richer parts of the show.

I believe that it was the Island that cured Locke and Rose and provoked Ben's cancer. As we see later in the series, Jacob's powers function by his touch; and in any moment we see him touching Ben or Rose. By the way, Jacob touches Locke BEFORE he arrives to the island- the moment when he's healed. On the other hand,

Her call is coherent with the character; after the trip to Russia, she sees how fucked up things are with her family. She needs someone to talk, and Pastor Tim is a very important figure in this time of her life.

Really the show isn't 100% clear about this whole shit about the candidates. Austen for example is crossed out in the cave but not in the lighthouse. And Jacob also said that the job was hers if she wanted. That means that the other names crossed but not dead can also be protectors?? Ben, Miles or Claire? WTF!! We can