
Saul trying to get Carrie back AGAIN was so annoying. She has fucked it up soooo many time that is just lame that they keep trying to recruit her.

Killing Quinn is one of the most stupid things the show has ever done, but if he turns next season I’ll be really annoyed. That last scene totally implied that he was going to die.

Season 6 will start with Saul and Carrie at odds with each other, but Carrie will eventually be involved in a terrorist thread. By the end of the season, we’ll get a finale were Carrie reflects on her life and recognizes how hard is to be a spy.

In this series there're more men falling in love with Carrie than terrorists attacks. Fuck you, Homeland.

Really disappointed with this season. Characters like Jonas, Otto (WTF meant that scene with Carrie? Gross), Quasim or Laura were poorly characterized and without any kind of transcendent arc; whereas Quinn, the most compelling and complex character of the show, is given a real dump plot and they end up killing him in

What's so good about Buffy/Angel? I'm considering to give it a try.

After The shield, which are your other favorite tv series?

I have the theory that the metaphysical world in the show’s universe has gone upside down for reasons unknown and anything is how it’s supposed to be, leading to people suddenly disappearing during the departure or dead ghosts staying in earth haunting the living.

Season 2 was an absolute fucking disaster

Saul and Carrie can't speak to each other because they had a fight, Quinn has a destructive dynamic because of the sins he’s committed, Carrie cries because she doesn’t has anyone to rely on, new characters appear with no kind of charm, another mcguffin to move the plot… BOOOOOOOOORING.

The powerful and original approach towards geopolitical issues of the Brody arc –especially seasons 1 and 2- seems to have practically disappeared in the last seasons. Season four had a fantastic stretch of episodes, but it didn’t have the same unity and brilliance, as it started really badly and had a disappointing

Absolutely loved Jean Smart in 24, and she's killing it here with a totally different role. Great actress!

Christopher Eccleston carries soooo well the weight of taking the focus in his POV episodes.

The leaked documents are a fucking Macguffin.

True; and I love this approach that the series has. But when you begin to continuously add more paranormal stuff and compile more and more questions, with hints that there’s an explanation for everything, is normal that the audience starts questioning if there will be some kind of resolution, whatever ambiguous it

It would be nice to have some kind of answer to the ghostly apparitions. But, as with the departure, I'm okay with the idea of having no answers to this paranormals events if the show continues to be so good.

HAHAHA is that S2 of true detective was sooooooooo disappointing.

PLEASE, don't compare this season of Fargo WITH the FUCKING DISASTROUS S2 OF TRUE DETECTIVE.

I don’t think that S4 wasn’t a fiasco, but it had a really week first bunch of episodes and a disappointing season finale.

Lost is one of my favorite shows, and I believe that they truly did an effort in trying to give coherence to the whole narrative. There were some loose ends, but they generally answered most of the big mysteries.