
He never said that. He said, correctly, that there are large groups of Muslims in the world—hundreds of millions—who are sympathetic to the jihadist cause. And that matters. For a site that obsesses over the concept of “normalization,” the fact that this concept is just pushed under the rug when it comes to Islam is

The majority of the working class is actually white though (for now). And Trump won both men and women within that demographic.

I’m not sure I understood what Ana Marie Cox was saying, because people of color aren’t estimated to be the working class majority until 2032.

Not that you care, but white men are now CONSTANTLY told that we didn’t earn anything we have. That we need to shut up. That we are ‘mansplaining’ and appropriating and white-washing and not only do we hear these things constantly, but it’s all OK to say (and I’m sure you are thinking right now that I should shut up

Hillary Clinton did not go to Wisconsin once. She basically took the whole month of August off to do fundraisers. President Obama, who won two Presidential elections, was right on the money when he brought up how getting out and meeting people is what won him those races. Hillary lost and it’s her own damn fault.

The flavor of Jezebel lately has been “circle the wagons” and “we ran a perfect campaign”. As goes our comments’ section, so goes the nation, I always say.

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.

We saw the OPPOSITE happen, which was: everybody shut up except for groups XY and Z.

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell:

I have really conflicting feelings about this (please dont bite my head off). But I kind of hear what Trevor Noah is saying. Clearly the left is not winning the hearts and minds of people who don’t understand what we are bringing to the table. I am not talking about the people who are OPENLY racist, xenophobic,

Before the election, most people were skewering Nate Silver for “scare-mongering for clicks” because he was warning everyone that Trump still had a good chance of winning, that there was an unusual amount of volatility because of all of the undecided voters, that there was a good chance Trump won the EC but lost the

The blame falls squarely on those, you included, who pushed a deeply flawed candidate and despite being warned repeatedly she was an incredibly bad matchup against a populist anti-establishment candidate, in a political climate when the electorate was sending the clear message they are fed up with politics as usual

What this election has confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt for me is the importance of having some sort of forceful personality in a presidential election. It is a disproportionately huge advantage, much bigger than it should be. Except for Nixon in 1968 (aided by massive Democratic infighting over Johnson’s war)

Nah, we just listened to your spiel about the down-ballots and the Supreme Court, and how liberalism was “too dangerous” to “try out”, and how we should be talking about the voters’ races and genders—instead of the candidates’ policies. As it turns out, your strategy didn’t work.

Oh my God. Congratulations on being 16 years old and pouting. He ‘used’ the DNC because he votes with them like 99% of the time and because it’s the only viable path to victory in our country. Also, don’t know if you’ve read anything in the last two months, but the DNC absolutely sabotaged him from the very beginning.

Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,

Yeah, I keep hearing about how John Oliver just “destroyed” or “decimated” Trump, Fox News or Republicans, yet here we are.

Trump turned out very similar numbers to the previous three Republican candidates. 62m for Bush, 59 for McCain, 61 for Romney, 60 for Trump.

We ain’t talking about the “idiots” the racists or the misogynists when we look the drop off from Obama to Clinton, those votes ALWAYS go Republican because as we all know, they

I mean if we’re being honest did you watch the same game as me and how dirty Jones, Besler, and Brooks played they should’ve been out of the game with some of the plays they made. If you’re going to call out a team for being dirty do it for both when both clearly were playing dirty as fuck. Though this was brought on

Yeah I get that for the record I didn’t vote for Trump. I think he is a first class idiot, but I am a pretty deeply entrenched republican just not on social issues.