
Ha! Very true.

It’s like when you ask these ass clowns how they feel about the Affordable Care Act, a lot of them support it. They have no idea it’s the same as Obamacare.

Hey now, Donnie, was that how the cops treated your daddy when they arrested him at the Klan rally?

For the last fucking time: IT IS NOT THEIR JOB TO PUNISH.

Watching pacifist Jimmy Carter just go apeshit on Trump would be immensely gratifying

Yep—there is nothing stupider than conflating art with decor. If I’m trying to make an impression with the trendiness of my living room, I may accidentally use art to do so, but I’d be just as well served with something recommended by my designer. If I have the money to accidentally use art to do something trendy in

JFC, the Commander-in-Chief is actually endorsing, if not outright inciting, criminal behaviour by police? In Canada, that’s called “counselling” (to solicit or incite) or “abetting” (to encourage, instigate, or promote) an offence. The person doing so can be held criminally liable for any offence subsequently

Once again, a manufactured “crime” occurred because of police presence. Was a crime occurring that needed police involvement? No. This man followed directions. When asked by a citizen to produce his information, the officer needs to give that information, not threaten arrest when no crime has been committed. This

Count me among the Eagle Scouts who are fucking furious with this appearance. I’ve got friends and family who are also Eagle Scouts, and some are even thinking of turning in their badges in protest.

He is truly incapable of doing the sort of generic, non-political appearances that every other President manages without any trouble. Seriously, you go to one of these things, you give a talk about community, building bonds, learning leadership, blah blah blah. I could probably come up with a Boy Scout-appropriate

It’s even easier than that. There’s no need for a pretext. The 1st Amendment does not prevent a private restaurant owner from showing these assholes the door. Nor do laws pertaining to public accommodations which only protect the usual classes of people by race, religion, national origin, gender, etc. Not

In a better organized world, we’d probably be in talks with China, the European Space Agency, and Russia about planning for and doing a Moon Base to follow-up on the International Space Station as the next big collaborative crewed space program.

1) Photo caption should’ve been “Big tool, and a pair of pliers.”

Haberman, Baker, and Schmidt are remarkable journalists if only because they seem to be able to follow along enough to keep a conversation going and refrain from saying, “What the fuck does that even MEAN?!?!” after everything he says.

So Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself. I then have — which, frankly, I think is very unfair to the president.

It is definitely time for Twenty-five

This is one of those things that’s so brilliant yet simple that I can’t believe it never occurred to me before. So kudos to you!

This. This is a life hack. Thank you.

This is possibly the greatest idea I have seen on this website. I always worry that I left a door unlocked or left the garage door open when I KNOW that I didn’t but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. I am definitely going to use this.

Not only this: the whole thing is that she’s done nude scenes. They didn’t find a cache of sexy selfies; she was nude for work. They are literally shaming her for doing her goddamn job.