
Am I the only person who doesn’t find this story the least bit funny? Especially when you think about all the likely explanations and their potential ramifications... His mother may have cheated on his father, and once the kid was old enough that he could tell it wasn’t his, dad splits, and mom continues to lie to

This just makes me want to rage all over the place. A person who looks like the most revoltingly unfuckable male human on the planet feels entitled to make pronouncements on women’s looks, because.... He needs to be indicted for money laundering. Along with most of his spawn, and they all need to spend some quality

I assume any drugs the Kardashian/Jenner clan do are those amphetamine-based ones that keep your appetite down. They probably get some really good ones for rich people that don’t make your heart explode.

Question here—In somebody’s experienced legal opinion: what the fuck? What—like....what.

“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”

Well, it’s hard to read effectively with his nose pointed up so high.

And in someways, it’s this microaggressive shit that’s worse. Like, if a dude were to slap my ass or straight up proposition me, everyone* would immediately understand that as terrible and be outraged. There’s some comfort in knowing the people in the room are all with me on that. On the other hand, when you just get

What infuriates me about this is that somewhere in Jacksonville someone probably could have used a police officer’s help when he was rousting these dudes for being Black.

I’m fairly sure it’s illegal to pull people out of their wheelchairs, since you could really hurt someone(And obviously they did, since they had blood on the floor. I hope someone didn’t lose a tube or port or something before they were hauled off). Does anyone know for sure? Google’s not helping too much.

“A student called me ‘Nutella’ and I told my after-school teacher and she said it wasn’t racist and she made me write the definition of racist,” Nasir told KIRO.

Could we get an edit on that headline and remove the word “captured”? She was a young girl, not an escaped convict or an animal that needed to be picked up somewhere. She was not captured. She was abducted. She was kidnapped and murdered.

So four years of “Do your own work, no cheating, work it out yourself” culminates in “Here, read this shit we wrote for you.” Ok...

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.

i lived through 9/11, my mom used to work in the WTC, and i’ve dealt with those conspiracy theorists for 16 years with gritted teeth. there is nothing more disgusting than Sandy Hook “truthers”

Yeah but why do we have to hide our boobs? Like what is the problem with the body I was given? Why do I have to pretend I don’t have nipples? A mans nipples are fine to see.