
Except it really, really isn’t. I’ll admit there are some solid jokes going on, but it just wasn’t The Muppets, it didn’t have the anarchic, vaudevillain, batshit insane energy the Muppets should have. Where were the random explosions? Where were the absurd one off jokes? The fourth wall breaking meta humor? The

We are things to be commodified. We are objects of status and wealth. Until we age out or weight out. Or we say no. Then we are shunted to the side and derided and destroyed because we didn’t cave. Time to end this shit.

Cat Bathing as a Martial Art:

My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.

I just spent a year working in a Seattle shipyard (of all places), and wasn’t harassed once. The shipyard had been recently purchased by a company that moved in and really brought the hammer down on inappropriate work behavior. I was in the administrative side of things, where we were significantly more sheltered than

“It’s not murder if they’re black” that’s the lesson they’ve learnt from these cops getting away with murder. They get off, get promoted, get applauded and founding from their fellow whites. They become heroes to the other “very fine people” according to Mr U-bum (trump)

Right? If those kids couldnt get small enough, how could these white adult people with their big, stupid hats? White people love guns more than they love each other.

Most of the founding fathers thought that mass genocide of Native Americans, owning other human beings, and treating women who didn’t fall into the previous two categories as second-class citizens was totally acceptable. I don’t give a fuck about what they would think. We need to start making some common sense

As a chemotherapy and immunotherapy patient, I absolutely give a “shite” about face-covering bans.

And the fucking thing is, it HAS BEEN a community effort. With next to no outside help the last two weeks, it’s been pretty much nothing but a community effort with the people trying to help each other as best they can. But it’s freaking impossible to help someone who’s diabetic when there’s no refrigerated insulin or

Yea, not to brag, but I provide a pretty good life for myself as a single gal. I bring in a decent income, have a vehicle I like, I can rent a nice apartment, I have my own Netflix account, I can buy myself stacks and stacks of books to read in peace and quiet, and I never have to clean up after someone who isn’t me

I think the blame rest on both genders. I read an interesting story in Time last week that younger people are looking for a lot more in marriage, someone who is going to be like their coach and cheerleader, best friend, sexy hot lover, and bring out the best in them. At the same time, those same people report being

I would never dare use that word, a reminder of the dark days of forced servitude and slaughter, of heartbreak and loss, of struggle and triumph; no, I would never in a million years resurrect the vile language of the slavedriver and torturer. It is abhorrent, the thought of which drives even the hardest man to tears,

Good people and good neighbors. I hope they somehow find the people sending the notes but Im guessing theres no return address.

its amazing.. There is no mandatory draft for cops. These ppl volunteer for a job that has potential dangers. Keep in mind that being a cop isnt even in the top 10 of most deadly jobs in the USA but whatever. Anyways, they hvae the notion that they should not be under any threat, real or imagined, ever. And the second

You forgot to add in where cops nationwide defend this while they get all sanctimonious about how they’re the thin blue line and no one can possibly understand the stress the job puts them through, so people need to cut them some slack when they gun down a deaf man with a metal cane.

So agreed. I wish people talked about the effects of the Fox News network more. It’s a right wing propaganda machine and it works very successfully.

Because this is the internet and everyone is very loving and trusting here, I’m going to come clean: I am a firefighter and, having just gotten my EVOC license and been cleared to drive, I just last week distinguished myself by driving the light rescue the wrong direction to go to a call.

People who demand respect or obedience to symbols or the rote chanting of words don’t really understand the whole point of the American Revolution. This is a brave little boy exercising his rights as as an American.