
They didn’t even want me to read because they were embarrassed.

The fact that they stated that their logo is a cat shape due to the “bodega cat meme” shows you just how out of touch these douchebros are. It’s not a meme. It’s a real fucking thing that exists in the world. There are cats in bodegas. They provide rodent control. And are also cute.

Just last night was walking the dog past our neighborhood corner store, and one of the employees ran out to ask if my dog wanted a biscuit. Later that night, I went back sans dog to pick up a bottle of triple sec. I also bought a six pack of beer that sounded good and a can of dolmas. I was pleased to see that they

Amen, sister. This shit is fucked up, and the very epitome of elitism.

I have some questions for former Google employees Paul McDonald and Ashwath Rajan, the men behind Bodega, a company

“Failure to burn your house down as a means of snow removal is not a valid excuse.”

Oh Sharon, why? Why Sharon!?!

I kinda want someone to be driven to jail from the shelter and while the sheriff is on his way back to the shelter his car gets washed away. Anyway, questions:

What is more respectful of America than exercising your civil rights in support of others’ civil rights? That’s the most American thing I’ve ever heard of.
Maybe your America isn’t the same as mine?

Sure. You don’t like something, you point out its flaws and fix it and make it better. That’s real patriotism. Getting your hands dirty and airing out the dirty laundry. Sitting back with blinders on and blindly believing the USA is “the greatest country on Earth” is not patriotism.

I’ve always loved to dance. I’d spend hours transfixed whenever dancers from the ballet or Soul Train were on TV. We

I survived a subdural hematoma and I just can’t imagine the unspeakable pain that young man went through... and then to watch these “brothers” step over him like a bag of trash while he lay dying... wow, what psychopaths.

Ease up on the logic you goddamned libtard!

LOOK AT THOSE OTHER COPS STANDING THERE. I want everyone to remember that every time people start talking about how cops that do things like this are just “a few bad apples.” Remember that the rest of that saying is “ruin the whole bunch.” They stood there and did nothing, just like the cops who were on those planted

Libba Bray already did this in her phenomenal book Beauty Queens, in which a group of teen beauty queens are stranded on an island and work together to build a society, explore their sexuality, build amazing positive female friendships, overcome the odds, and defeat an evil dictator. It’s a fucking fantastic book and

“Don’t blame me for this shit. I made the rains come each year so you ingrates can have water to drink in the desert. Then you greedy fuckers increased greenhouse gases and destroyed the wetlands for golf courses and mansions which caused storms to grow into hurricanes. You rat bastard humans can go to Hell!” - God

Basically, if I had to pick a megachurch pastor to be the end all be all “Opiate of the masses” while getting rich off of said masses, given the options, he wouldn’t be the worst one to choose.

I’ve lived in NYC on-and-off my whole life, living in the UK, Syracuse, Seattle, San Jose, Atlanta, Austin, even Birmingham, AL (deservedly at the bottom of the list), and I can tell you unequivocally that you will find more random acts of kindness in the Big Apple than almost anywhere on the planet. I am not joking.

Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. The rage I feel right now is overwhelming. I mean... what in the ACTUAL hell?!? I know a woman to had to explain to a state legislator- a man whose entire job is to represent ALLLLL of the people - that women can’t “hold in” a menstrual period the way people “hold in” needing to urinate. THIS DUDE