Ok, the nitty gritty on P-body versus the original K:
Ok, the nitty gritty on P-body versus the original K:
Seriously. If it either gave my Pokes CP or at least rewarded me with stardust and not a mere pittance of XP, gyms would suddenly be more interesting.
But now who is going to lead the team on the final drive of a playoff game to a 27-yard chip shot field goal that the kicker will then miss thereby ending the Vikings season in hilariously depressing fashion? Feel like the whole game plan for the season is out the window now...
Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.
“Thai Fighter” is awesome!
For the record when people say “New York Values” they mean white and black and brown people living next door to each other. Gays freely walking the streets and going to bars to enjoy themselves. Muslims, jews, christians, atheists, all shopping, dining, etc together. Everyone living the lives they want without trying…
Pin this on the Republicans all you want, Dems played on this fear of black criminality as well. Private prisons skyrocketed beginning in Clinton’s era. Federal sentencing got tougher and continued to be discriminatory as well.
these are terrrrrible motorcycles
Anyone who votes CP on this is a filthy, lying heathen and should take some time to seriously assess their life choices.
Irish indentured servants weren’t exactly paid a salary, either. They worked their travel expenses off, which was, as you noted, not exactly cushy. From what I understand of indentured servants, they had a similar existence to mui tsai in China - poor girls who were “sold off” by their families to the wealthy to work…
As a historian I approve this clearing of the record.
I like the cut of your jib.
Have you ever rode a pit bike before?! You haven’t lived life yet.
I would have thought he’d be better at turning left.
White supremacists should be offended too, if they consider themselves to be patriotic. The Confederacy seceded from their beloved country that gives them the 1st and 2nd Amendments that are their lifeblood, and then fought a war against that country they feel so patriotic about.
By the time that Power Man and Iron Fist #125 came out in the late summer/early fall of 1986, I’d already learned…