Radon, Overlord

The risk vs reward metric is very different on a bike. Most of the time you will not get much above 20 to 25 mph and even when you do 150-200 lbs of ride on 15 lbs of bike is much easier to move around than 400 to 800 pounds of MC and 150 to 200 lbs of rider. Add in to that the fact that you have to move every ounce

It has not suffered. Still tastes like the same shit I drank in the 90s.

Your basic premise in this piece, that men’s sense of caring about their daughters, wives, mothers, sisters, or other females that they love, is based in a sense of ownership is insultingly simplistic and laughably wrong.

Never regret having your priorities in the correct order. MLP is both more relevant and more real than either of the pop stars sited.

Until now I never know how much flatware needs decorative curse-words engraved on it! My purpose in life has become clear.

Until now I never know how much flatware needs decorative curse-words engraved on it! My purpose in life has become

Oh good, I was wondering how Harley would keep up its proud tradition of reselling antiquated technology if it were at the forefront of the movement. Now they can be comfortably behind everyone else and all is still right with the world.

While I will not dispute the fact the Cruz is a homunculus, it is an insult to both the Golem of Prague’s tireless fight against genocide and Rabbi Loeb’s technical ability to compare the stilted mess that is Cruz to the Prague's legendary defender.

The only real question; Is there ANY reason to buy this instead of dropping 500 more on the regular scrambler?


That looks exactly like a M.A.S.K. toy I used to have...

How does this compare to the Scout?

At last one small piece of the world is as it should be.

Scooters are lame. Tiny motorcycles, on the other hand, are hilarious.

So Zoe Saldana is not black enough to play Nina Simone and they should have found a “blacker” actor to play her. Also using prosthetics to accurately represent the person being portrayed is tantamount to blackface, again, because Saldana's nose and skin tone is not black enough, and her hair is not natural enough.

Or maybe they could build a minivan with a good suspension and decent handling. I bet people would buy that.

Holy crap, I should have edited this before I posted. Sorry about all the typos there fellow denizens.

Not a bad idea. Let's all remember how a handful of super-rich people decided that they liked not paying even the deeply unfair wages of the time that they convinced an uneducated populace that they would be better off fighting and dying for the right of the rich to own and entire race of people. Let's remember that

Meh, it is friendly ribbing. An irritating cliché without a doubt, much like “rubbing is racing”, but it is hardly worth casting as a polarizing issue. More to the point, your first crash is a major change in your life as a biker. It changes your perspective on yourself and your world, not unlike one’s first

It is very pretty, but all I can think when I look at it is “wow, he must really hate his nuts”. If there is a more artfully designed way to liquefy one's testes and force inject them into the rider's spinal column, I have not seen it.

Sweet. I saw Rhymes for Young Ghouls recently, and if the stuff produced is half as good, this is something we need.