Of the soul? Oh, absolutely. Stage 4.
Of the soul? Oh, absolutely. Stage 4.
Also-a student did have a concealed carry gun in the Oregon shooting and did not intervene. He was afraid a swat Team would think he was shooter (which was smart). So having a gun on campus made absolutely no difference.
I will quit my teaching job before I allow someone to arm me. Period.
I saw this on another Gawker article. It does show how hard it can be to handle guns in a surprise situation.
I would extend the check in time to more like 5-6 weeks when 99.9% of the world has moved on and almost forgotten about the griever.
It is better to make a concrete offer. Say something like - I want to help you. Can I come by on Thursday next week with dinner? People who are grieving don’t always feel comfortable asking for help even when it has been offered with the best, truest of intentions.
Very nicely set out. I have my own checklist, which I try updating when I read things like the Year of Magical Thinking and Sheryl Sandberg’s posts after she lost her husband.
Whoever ungrayed this prick owes us the rest of us an apology or a blowdry bar coupon.
You’re gonna have to do some prep work for this one: go print out a bunch of pictures of dogs, preferably on…
nah bro. fall is da best. fuckin best apples ever, beautiful sunny skies and crisp air..gtfo wit dis shit.
Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex
trafficking is aworkers are legitimatebusinesshuman beings.
“I’m not one of those women who believe rape victims are at fault because they dressed too provocatively or misled some randy guy into thinking it was his lucky night.
And even then that analogy doesn’t really work in the way he wants it to. Soldiers volunteer to go into active duty by joining the army, and if they say “Nah, I don’t want to fight in THIS particular war, thanks” I believe that the army frowns on that. Davis volunteered to become an arm of the state when she ran for…
Don’t take a job as an executioner then. Don't like the changes to your job? Can't in good conscience do them? Step the fuck down.
She's not marrying them. She just filing the goddamn paperwork.
Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman, wrote that forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield, or forcing a person against capital punishment to carry out an execution.
Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).
I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.