
Same, dude, same. this is a turning point: if he wins, from now on we can say America is a country of regressive, hateful bigots. Things won’t be the same.

I am an optimist. Many of you who have see me a lot on this site has seen that I constantly try to see other points of view and treat everyone with respect.

Hugs to you.

I teach in a classroom that is mostly comprised of English language learners. Many from Mexico, several from Syria and Afghanistan, a couple from the Congo. What do I tell them tomorrow? “Sorry, but a bunch of scared white assholes decided that you don’t deserve to go to school without being called names, and maybe

Listen I am using the damn dismiss button ardently tonight so if you got shit to say know that it will not see the light of day idgaf of you don’t agree with me you can kiss my ass💋

Where do I sign up to be pushed onto the Subway tracks?


Please, please, PLEASE everyone, for the love of all that is holy, keep that asshole troll Locomotive Jones in the greys, do NOT engage with him and DISMISS his replies to you!

Don’t bother, that giddy asshole has been trolling around here for a while. If he wants to continue to out himself as an enormous piece of shit just dismiss him if he comments on anything you say.


This CANNOT be happening. I’m going to have a heart attack. What is going on with the world? I can’t even bring myself to think he is going to win this thing. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

I want my mom.

I’m watching “my” country, which demands I stand up and pledge allegiance to its stupid fucking flag, and stand up when it play its dumbass fucking anthem, which fed me a line of bullshit about american exceptionalism and us being a beacon on a hill basically telling “I hate you” by electing a garbage racist

Locomotive Jones is in love with me you guys. He keeps responding to all of my comments. Its cute, I am flattered but I am married.

As far as I’m concerned the country has already lost, and lost badly. The fact that Trump has come this far, even if Hillary wins, has shown what a horrifyingly large section of the American public is ignorant, racist, sexist, and honestly just plain bad. Hillary is far from perfect but jesus god... I mean I’m

I’d like to throw out a congratulations all the smarmy people who thought that Trump wouldn’t have a chance. If you’re a minority in any way shape or form you know that most of the country is still racist, sexist, xenophobic etc. The people who voted green make me sick.

I quit smoking 8 years ago and I am fucking dying for a cigarette. No. Lies. Dying to sit outside on my porch and chain smoke. This is the fucking worst night. How can I ever interact normally with people again if there are so many stealth Trumpers that he gets elected? Is there really THAT much hate in this country?

I think we’re screwed.

I took Percocet

Is it OK if I vomit because I’m hammered beyond belief? Because honestly there’s just no other option right now.