I like GlamGlow's mud to foam wash. I only use it in the evening. In the morning, if I'm not going out, I just splash my face with water. I'm 37, so I try not to over dry my skin.
I like GlamGlow's mud to foam wash. I only use it in the evening. In the morning, if I'm not going out, I just splash my face with water. I'm 37, so I try not to over dry my skin.
Not to mention the cost of a person’s time in making noodles. While I'm sure they're delicious, this sounds like a pain in behind.
Just throwing in that I’m a woman who happens to think this is an unnecessary and rather unfunny looking film. I enjoyed the original film. No need to try and improve on the original (I'm looking at you, Ghostbusters 2).
Night sweetie. Have savory fruit based dreams.
Oh, I see. You're only familiar with one, therefore they're all fruitless. Seems legit.
But chutneys always have fruit in them.
Yeah, you said that before in a previous comment. It means we all stick up and hold out, but supplies to make our own, or quit for a couple years. I’m ok with those options.
A ton of fuzzy science and reaching in that article. Lots of things are toxic in high doses. Who is using nicotine at those levels? I’m using 3mg, which is an incredibly low dose. It’s far less than the nicotine levels I was getting cigarettes. Oh, and my lungs are clear and I can run a mile again.
Seems worth the sacrifice to me. I'm on 3mg as it is. I'll happily give up for a couple years if it means no more garbage products on the other side.
I’m still not sure what you’re point is. The poison in fugu can kill you even in small doses. That’s not true of nicotine. Using a simple, safe nicotine patch, which is readily available, can be incredibly helpful for various ailments. There are no fugu patches.
We’ve been selling nicotine over the counter as long as there has been tobacco. This isn't a new thing.
I stick with a couple really well made, highly tested American brands. Lane Cove and Five Pawns are my go-tos. It's more expensive than making my own, but I'm happy with their products. Plus, I'm a little lazy :)
There are all sorts of juices available that are made with cheap nicotine, or in dirty kitchens or ‘labs’(see Dr. Crimmys). I make sure to check that the products I buy are made in a certified clean room, with high quality extracts.
Yeah, I enjoy vaping, but hate the subculture. It’s annoying and awful. My trips to vape shops are always uncomfortable. Fortunately, those are rare. Now that I’ve found my flavors, I order them online. I drip, so I can buy my wire and cotton and be on my way.
It also has a lot of benefits. Although I imagine most nicotine users don’t know this.
Some folks enjoy the taste, inhalation and exhalation. They find it enjoyable and relaxing. I dunno. I prefer a little nicotine, personally.
Absolutely. For me, I vape for pleasure. It’s a leisurely activity that I enjoy while relaxing. That, by and large, happens in my home. I also enjoy a vape in my car on a long trip. Otherwise, the occasion vape hit happens as I get out of my car, or maybe on my way out of a store. But I make sure I'm not upwind of…
True. Every vape shop I go to makes sure to card. I don't get carded, but I have a case of the olds.
I dunno. You can’t smoke cigarettes in most public spaces. I don’t mind not being able to vape in public spaces.
Good. This is common sense legislation. I'm 37 and I vape. I'm happy to see it regulated and policed, just like cigarettes. Ideally, I'd like it to be even more highly regulated, for an even safer and cleaner product. Right now, you have to be careful about the e liquids you choose.