I would say that if you like those shows you will like this one…
I would say that if you like those shows you will like this one…
Sense8 by a mile, though I also liked Daredevil and iZombie.
Watched the first two of these on BBC2 the other night and thought it was pretty good.
I would stick with it for at least the first four episodes or so as it doesn't follow the standard template for a TV show. The series is more like one long episode in structure and it doesn't really feel like much is happening until about the mid way point, at which point a lot of things start coming together. It…
I really hope this gets a renewal soon, though I do wonder where they are going to go with Will's story.
I actually enjoyed Brink, even Jack Black for a change, but you're right that this is an excellent pilot and deserves at least an A-.
The pilot was very good, Person of Interest meets Fight Club.
It seems to make the most sense given the context, though I still find it hard to believe that there were only 8 babies born at that exact moment so it begs the question of what caused this particular group to become linked.*
It also seems there is some link to the medication he's getting and Kala's pharmaceutical company. There was also a scene where her boss was talking about dealing with knock off drugs which seemed to link into Cepheus's story somehow. I get the impression there are more links between the group than just the fact they…
Good question re Kala, had wondered the same thing myself but had decided it was because she came from a progressive family.
You could also argue that the one born via C-section would have been born later if the doctor hadn't chosen that moment for the procedure. Therefore their "genetic" link also has the ability to somehow control a surgeon and make him perform surgery at exactly the right moment for that baby to take it's first breath at…
Spoiler…I think
Good point, though the way it was said gave me the impression that they came to the West shortly after it had happened.
On the same note, Wolfgang seems to have been somewhere around 12/13 when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 which would put them in their mid 30's.
Good call, that would work…
I get that, but a c-section isn't a birth (as such) so I don't get how that would work. I can get on board with some mysterious agency/genetic link or whatever resulting in them all being born and taking their first breath at the same time but don't get how it made the surgeon choose that moment to operate.…
I have to say that I like that interpretation and it makes a lot of sense…
I don't think the sex is particularly over done but I totally agree that it's preferable to the violence that's shoved down our throats on a daily basis.
Took me a couple of episodes to twig I have to admit…the wife asked something about the trans character during the second episode and I was like:
Fair point, though it didn't come across as an emergency c-section and read more as a she couldn't be bothered to push thing to me.