
There aren't any numbers involved if you're cancelled. The magic number of episodes, which is, like, in the 80s now, only applies if the show is still on the air.

Maybe if people want the show back they should fucking watch it.

Fund it.

What an exhaustive list of non-issues and ephemera. Good work, A.V. Club!

I hope this doesn't offend too many college kids.

I'm sure we'll be able to read about this in Felicia Day's book!

I always thought this song was about me…

Oh, so we're still reporting that the #boycottstarwars thing was sincere? Okay…

It's a bold move, Cotton.

So, you guys realize this is a 4chan thing, right? Good work falling for it.

I can attest that it's the same with the soft cover VHS.


Man, I used to get The Maxx comic books when I was 11 years old, walking down to the ol' comic book hole downtown and slapping down allowance on it. The show is a little more bleary in my memory, but I might still have some of the old original run issues at my parents' place, those and that weird Archie Sonic/Image


I certainly wouldn't give your troubles to a MONKEY ON A ROCK!

"That's Too Much" is the absolute worst game since it's basically impossible. I think I've seen maybe three people win that game in my six year tenure as a Master Control Operator at a CBS affiliate.

My wife and I occasionally say "We did it, Brian" to each other after minor accomplishments.

Coach Z., how come you don't dance no more?

They've been the band equivalent of "when are they going to get to the fireworks factory?" for at least eight years now.

Up until Planet of Ice, anyway. They lost their jokey streak after Beer Commercials and with it any sense of fun in their music.