
I’m not team Bill, but I do not necessarily think that he is 100% the “villain” here. Maybe 70%. I think Kate and Oliver are right recognize the man they feel fathered them as their father, but these kind of things aren’t always the fault of one parent.

Only difference? Tell me about black /brown/Asian hormones.

Well I wholly reject that genetically/biologically that ethnicity and sex are similar because they aren’t. The functions by which they are inherited (sex isn’t inherited!) are different and the way we then construct them socially are different. Just because you can say words for an argument that are similar in both

Because you said

FYI Caitlyn said in her interview a few months ago the she began identifying as a girl internally/privately at an elementary school age.

It’s really hard to justify not knowing what he said was an utterly shitty thing at age 23, but I don’t see that apology as blaming someone else. It’s claiming ignorance. I have no desire to associate or endorse anyone who said something like that at that age, apology or not, but it’s not shifting blame.

Haha, it’s cool you are comfortable with that kind of stuff, absolutely no judgment, I guess my point (specifically with the way you phrased it) is that it’s not a mystery versus comfort thing for most of us.

That’s funny because I only ever hear women say “we’re pregnant.” Always struck me as corny though.

But it’s not privacy and mystery for many of us. Many people are actively uncomfortable pooping in front of someone. It definitely doesn’t sound like comfort for me.

I will add as well, the reason statements like this rub people the wrong way is because many people feel that Jezebel has a frequent/almost perpetual low level hostility towards WOC that is not always worth calling out. So when someone only speaks up to talk about how sad the rift and fighting is when a larger thing

Here’s the thing, the rift has always existed on the part of WOC (as well as LGBTQ women, women with disabilities, and others) in Jezebel and in the world in general. It’s just stories like this that make it relevant. If you’re feeling the rift now it’s not because anyone is “causing” it, it is because this is a forum

This is not new at all. Women of color have been taking issue with Jezebel itself and its frequent commenters for years. Some of us take breaks (many have left or been banned) because it gets to be too damn much. Comments like yours are very frustrating, you’re asking people to not air their legitimate grievances just

In the early 20th century the Republican party was the women’s party insofar as there was one. Women’s rights only became politically devisive relatively recently, looking down on women wasn’t a partisan thing.

The last two Presidential elections, several County supervisors, mayors, and congressmembers (Mark Takano, for instance, is openly gay and of Japanese descent).

California is blue all along its coast (except Orange and San Diego) , not just LA and SF. Inland Empire is fairly blue now as well. Central East and North East California are the red red red parts.

Yeah, rural California is pretty red but a lot of rural counties have a large urban center that makes it purple-ish (I guess that would be Bakersfield for Kern). I think Orange is probably the only solidly red California county that is a major urban area.

It rained in Los Angeles TWICE this week and we are sin capital No. 2 of California! Take that crazy Kern County lady.

I never was under the impression that “queen bees” were a systematic force, just a certain type of woman who became like the men who were her “equals.”

Your friends are assholes if they don’t respect your health needs but

That’s reducing your meat intake and it’s totally cool but it’s not vegan, otherwise everyone is a part time vegan sometimes, be it for hours or a couple days. No one is literally constantly always eating animal products.