
Cheese and guacamole together without anything else sounds terrible to me, but I acknowledge they both belong together in many other dishes.

Oh totally. I was pretty much in agreement with you and most of the reaction was just an excuse to hate on Beyoncé.

My criticism was less that she was wearing leather while espousing a vegan diet, but that she went into a vegan lifestyle restaurant wearing leather, which seems a bit rude to me. Not hate-worthy, but not cool.

What kind of monster eats cheese on their guacamole?

I’ve seen people on this site trash female celebs for not making to right sort of feminist political statement, but very little criticism here, because no one wants to be seen as transphobic.

I think the implication is that being a woman is pretty makeup, corsets, and hair. It’s not what CJ said explicitly, but the magazine is at least complicit or responsible for underscoring these depictions of women.

I wouldn’t want any woman to presume to speak for my experience, cis or trans.

I don’t know. I think in this instance it has more to do with how performance art is so much less accessible than literature or other types of art. The less access you have to something the less you understand it and are more likely to dismiss it.

Okay, this explanation makes me roll my eyes slightly less. Still don’t find it particularly great or profound, but I guess I can see what she is getting at aside from just trying to be shocking.

Said they talked to other families in their communities and “alot of them had dealt with something similar”. WAT. This is NOT NORMAL.

The valuing women thing is super important and thank you for writing that. Not because they deserve to be lauded for those feelings but because it’s important to understand. Back when I was very Catholic and anti abortion, when people would tell me that I didn’t care about women I’d find that laughable. I was a girl,

I don’t know where the hell in LA you’re living, but unless you’re running with Hollywood Hills or Calabasas crowds this is just as untrue here as it is elsewhere.

He’s not semi-liberal, he’s liberal-liberal and that doesn’t mean he can’t have done this shit. Pervs exist among our own and outright acknowledging that can help get these things out in the open in the future.

I think racism and homophobia are deemed acceptable coming from liberal anyone, but women catch extra shit for being misogynistic.


Finally! Everyone is either “how horrible fuck her!” or “awww she’s old and trying!”All that matters is what Caitlyn and her mom can work out that is good for them. Our knee jerk reaction to either pile onto or protect the cis person’s feelings is meaningless.

Why do the Lakers hate me?

And I wasn’t disagreeing with that. You literally said that they aren’t her biological children as a reason. Clearly they aren’t the kind of step kids that have a parental relationship with her, but that biology should be any kind of factor in determining the importance of a parental relationship is in itself hurtful,

I think the lawsuit is dumb but number 2 isn’t really a good reason and is INCREDIBLY hurtful to those of us adopted or raised by step parents.

They were called skanks on a blog post that went around the world.