
I agree with you completely, it’s actually kind of my point. I wasn’t making a judgment on who has more rights, just that it is not an easy comparison. I don’t think it can be boiled down to who it involves and the timelines for these issues have been completely different.

My sister was born at 26 weeks in 1990 and although she is a perfectly healthy adult now whose only medical issue is visual impairment, the first 5 years were fucking brutal and the next 10 weren’t exactly a piece of cake either.

If this is the explanation then why was abortion legalized throughout the country long before gay marriage(which isn’t legal throughout the country yet)? The erosion of abortion rights is certainly rooted in sexism but if the advancement of gay rights was about white men being a part of this group this explanation

Yeah, I hate seeing this argument because it’s an existing right that’s being eroded. If you look. At it that way you have to accept that, in a sense, women already “won this race” (with abortion’s legalization in the 70s) that gay people have not yet fully won.

I didn’t assume you weren’t from the US, but I didn’t want to assume you were either. I am the only one in my family with a postgraduate degree and one of the very few with a post secondary degree so I don’t necessarily have a wide range of personal experience, but colleges do have graduate degrees and universities

I read it as both.

No, I really don’t think so.

I don’t recall this.

I suppose you can consider being a victim of a violent crime involved in it.

Eh, I referred to going to school for my Master’s degree as college. It’s just a colloquialism and not really an incorrect one either. In the US at least (not sure where you’re from), college is just a general term for post secondary education.

I think this poster is trying to go for the angle that he thought it was okay to kill her because woman = lesser. Which sounds a little over-dramatic to me. Spousal murder is pretty common, as far as murders go, among men and women.

I think it’s great to identify as biracial. I’m mixed race (though not part black) and identify as such. I think the problem is that if she doesn’t identify as black, which it is okay not to, should she be using the n-word?

I may do that when I have the money. The scarring isn’t widespread and I’m a picker so I do have a lot of small scarring, but I’m more insecure about that stuff when I’m already in a bad insecure spiral rather than the previous thing which literally constantly plagued me.

I had a minor cosmetic surgical procedure when I was 22 or 23. Sometimes it can be a serious medical issue that requires this surgical intervention, but mine wasn’t there yet and likely was not going to be. By no means did it solve my insecurity but I am genuinely less anxious about this specific aspect of my

This person is correct in that point but it kind of has no bearing on the topic at hand.

Yes, that is an objectively true statement, but when you actually look at who is running it isn’t surprising. I get why you are going Wtf, but that is based on a fairly superficial understanding of party identification.

He’s actually a brilliant nureosurgeon, just bonkers about everything else.

A lot more Republican candidates have declared. 2 Latino/white men, 1 white man, 1 black man, and 1 white woman. Only three Democratic candidates have declared, 1 white woman and 2 white men. They’re not doing better with women at all and, at any rate, white women are only a little less likely to be Republicans than

Same, I’ve gotten really used to it. I will panic sometimes and try to do the things your aren’t supposed to do (move, breath deeper, etc) if I haven’t had it in a while. But usually I realize it quickly and just relax as much as possible. When you do that you can almost feel it roll/lift off of you.

This is also my experience. I do have auditory and some visual hallucinations, but they are usually more just “present” rather than coming for me. But that is part of what’s scary, you’re paralyzed and (you think) all these people and things are going around you and no one is helping you.