
Johnson won 25,000 votes in New Hampshire, for instance, where Clinton lost by just 4,000.

I think this person is way overreacting to the criticism they are getting, but the reason I think this person may not be all there is because this part of Los Angeles especially is majority not primarily English speaking and they a) should know that they are way outnumbered and b) would absolutely be exploding with

Not just LA but this very specific part of LA has a population that I’m pretty sure the vast majority do not speak English as their primary language. I mean, it’s called Koreatown and pretty much every establishment that isn’t a national chain has signage in Spanish or Korean and maybe English.

On behalf of myself and all other basic, white, blonde girls who manage to grasp the concept of intersectionality and try not to stick our noses in the narratives of people whose experiences we know nothing about

This was me when I worked in food service (circa 2008-2010). Didn’t smoke before then, quit right after I got a new job. But I smoked every break, sometimes on my drive home, and sometimes on the way to work, and some of the nights that I didn’t work.

I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. People can be hypocritical and two-faced assholes and most people will never be the wiser because of their saintly, social justice public face. It is infuriating and painful for those of us who know differently and know that few, if any, would believe us.

This comment is what’s up.

Screw you haters, this is the best freaking thing ever.

I think the bigger thing on this point is that the USA is a country that exists today. That flag represents whatever the USA represents at the moment, good or bad, and also whatever it will become. Countries have flags that represent them. The Confederate States of America is a defunct country that only ever stood and

How did your husband not turn around and walk right back out?

Most of urban LA isn’t raising livestock. We just bring our dog and cat in at night.

So your personal individual experience means you know the motives of this person we have very little information on? Just because he didn’t die and you know depressed people.

I know it happens, I really do, but going there with so little information is unhelpful. Especially around so fraught a topic.

These comments trash talking suicidal people and suicide victims that we know very little about really blow.

That’s some pretty shitty speculation. People very often know when their loved ones are suicidal. Suicide is often messy, not some dignified death alone in your room that people imagine. Comments like this, assuming the worst, can be really terrible for those of us who have struggled with this kind of mental health

Fucking co-sign.

You guys need to seriously relax about that pea thing. It sounds silly, but what is more annoying than white people mixing foods weirdly is white people acting like they have ownership over how Mexican food is supposed to be enjoyed and the chorus of a thousand white girls screaming about how someone is doing Mexican

And her mom apparently as well

*shrug* I’ll make excuses for any pregnant woman.

Yeah. Even if Goldie has some fault in this, that he is directing the bulk of his anger at his kids is pretty telling.