
Fucking preach

Why is this still gray?

No one is crushing Golden State. Golden State will be playing Memphis next round, Spurs or Clippers (but let’s be real, the Spurs) will be playing Houston.

Truly, this is what our country needs right now.

Well I think Golden State getting to the finals was a foregone conclusion for a while. I was really hoping to see the Clips make the conference finals but, alas.

Used to be a fan despite my Celtics hatred, but I am moving into the “fuck Doc Rivers” camp.

Can we cancel everything else and just have this series continue for the rest of the finals?

Holy crap, I was kind of agreeing with you until that last sentence. What the heck?

I’m with you. I like Kutcher (and Kunis). He’s dumb-funny, not witty or brilliant, but not everyone has to be.

The existence of a social safety net helps, but does not eliminate homelessness and poverty, nor does it change the fact that the people most likely to be discriminated against when it comes to help are those that are already marginalized.

I’m not touching the rest of this comment, but you realize MANY marginalized groups have high rates of criminal activity because their very existence is criminalized. Trans people, Trans women in particular, often must resort to activities such as prostitution to make a living, become homeless, and fall into drugs to

Some women are also raped by other women. Should their trauma be considered in a feminist event?

Oh, so you’re one of those who thinks they know women’s minds and experiences better than they know their own? No thanks, that kind of philosophy is just trading one oppressor for another.

So because your experience as a woman has been one of being mostly defined by others’ perception of you as a girl/woman you think it’s the most essential identity, above race, class, orientation, etc.?

This is true no matter what, but someone in the comments pointed out that she was only 7 miles from the nearest PP. In this specific instance I think destigmatizating and treating addiction may have gone along way.

I think he was in jail a lot of the time so they might not all have been his biological children and he couldn’t have been around to kill all of them.

Los Angeles Metro just did a survey of transit riders and the number they got was 1 in 5, so the majority report they haven’t, but I’m not sure how the question was asked.

Oh I completely agree. Like I said, I was being generous.

Yep, my dad, who isn’t even a WASP in any capacity, likes to tell me about how all the girls he knew used to dress like that because he knows I watch the show. If I talk about it a little more deeply he’ll acknowledge that what I’m saying makes sense, but has nothing to contribute. And he can discuss social and

It’s funny because Gene has grown. The character should be about 6, which I think is believable for the actor. I’ll be generous and say Bobby is a late-blooming 12 year old.