
Ironically the GOP is forcing the US to cede these industries to China because they keep taking money from the oil and gas industry to hold them back. Had the US embraced these industries and renewables decades ago like we should have, the US would be the world leader in them.

It shouldn’t have to be said, but given the number of Trump voters, I suppose the facts have to be laid out:

It’s nailbiting at this point, anytime something goes wrong with one of the Voyagers.  It’s going to be hard when one of them goes.  It was hard enough losing Pioneers 10 and 11, and they didn’t last nearly as long.

It’s probably out of warranty by now. ;-)

They are too busy protecting our kids at school.....oh wait...

Whoever buys this is a total dipshit. 

Maybe if you’re under a certain age.  Anyone who grew up in the ‘80 will remember the SVO.

Mustang SVO.  Everyone knows Mustang, few people know SVO.

Honestly, when isn’t Volkswagen in a crisis? I feel like there’s a new crisis at VW every couple years, and then they fix it by either spending the money to make cars better and not prone to breaking or they cut expenses and make their cars objectively worse for a while.

Man, it really sucks when someone tells you what you can and can’t do with your body, like, taking away your choice to do something.

Well, I for one have never heard of this one. Only been driving for 35 years so you’d think I’d know about it....

Exactly. No CarPlay / Android Auto, no sale. The experience is always superior, and I don’t have to subscribe to anything.

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

Now playing

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go throguh life either, but that didn’t stop the member’s of Animal House.

As someone who’s had to work in extreme heat, there’s a trick beyond staying hydrated and finding shade that’ll help IMMENSELY.

My 10th grade math teacher, Ms. Georgia Davis, took every opportunity possible to relate the lesson to interest and monetary growth. God bless her.

The No Dicers here are tripping.

I came rather close to buying a RENTAL RETURN 1994 Ford Tempo - in retrospect, I was immensely thankful for my horrible credit at the time that wouldnt allow it and rather put me into an ‘89 Tracer (Mazda 323) that turned out to be a very good little car.

In a way it’s kinda satisfying to see boomers being forced to live in the world they made- they’re the generation that worshiped cars and saw cars as freedom, and they legislated a world where that is reality. Boomers cut spending on public transit, cut spending on infrastructure, cut spending on schools (which leads