
I’m clearly in the minority around here, but I actually like it. If I didn’t need to do truck stuff with my truck, I’d be interested in having a vehicle that says “My day job is fighting Terminators.

I don’t think Shailene has an issue with his anti-vaxx views either. I think she’s smart enough to get vaxxed rather than lose jobs but dumb/woowoo enough that she probably doesn’t believe in vaccines.

I wish I had been alive at the time because I gotta say that twist seems really obvious. For it to surprise you, you’d have to somehow believe that apes got to another planet or independently evolved there. It honestly doesn’t even feel like a twist to anyone involved except Charlton Heston. It’s been a while since I

its not all from men. How many dating sites have you seen where the female poster is like “if youre under 6 feet, dont apply.”

The only answer to anyone concern trolling is the obvious: “Well, he has a huge dick, and it’s bigger than every guy I dated that was taller than me. What should I do about that, let some short girl have it?”

Lighten up Francis

The only winners here are TikTok and vibrator companies.

The one about the women’s football league. The writer basically villainized their ex husband in the piece without providing anything to suggest that he was a bad husband, commenters took them to task for it, some of whom even pulled up past articles and interviews from the author where they stated how supportive their

I have fond memories of the Activision Atari suite. Kaboom, River Raid, Pitfall, Laser Blast... *sigh*

They ALL need to go. I mentioned it in another article recently, but fucking Dems are always eager to point out moral and legal injustices when they’re not in power, but when they suddenly have the power to actually DO something? They suddenly act like complete idiots.

Spineless Democrats who had a bazillion chances to codify abortion rights but didn’t because they were too scared.

Frank Knaack, policy director for American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, said the bill is “out of step” with the values of New Hampshire

The description of any murderer should always begin with “Murderer”. Not “millionaire”, not “real estate tycoon”, not “wealthy developer”, not “former Buffalo Bill”, not “award-winning pop producer”, not “Super Bowl-winning tight end”, not “human flesh-wearing fashionista”, not “paralympian”, but “murderer”.

Had this exact same thought the moment I saw the bit about color (also raised in New England). It CAN be regionally significant... In New England, the brown egg isn’t necessarily local, but the white egg is almost certainly not.

Does this mean that Denzel is such an asshole that he can’t possibly recall one incident of him being an asshole?

“Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh.”

Eh, we told all of you to stop doing slideshows but you’re not listening either.

I work with a lot of long, long spreadsheets, so this could be useful for me. But it wouldn't fit on my desk well and would put the webcam up way too high, so...

I like to get a different daily driver every few years so I have some great ones. This is my favorite: In 2008, I had an NA Miata that I decided to sell. It was worth maybe $3,000 at the time. I posted it on Craiglist and got an email from a local eye doctor who specialized in LASIK surgery offering me LASIK in