
Replace the stereo. It’s easy to do and not terribly expensive. You’ll get better sound quality to cover up the noise of the droning engine, and if you spring for something higher-end it’s really wonderful to hop into your car, connect to Apple Carplay or Android Auto, and have access to everything you enjoy on your

If you’re in the middle of a game, you’ll lose your progress; if you’re writing a note in an app that doesn’t auto-save, your work will be lost. All because you innocently decided to change your wallpaper.

In fairness, a like-new C5 Corvette is not terribly uncommon and isn’t nearly as interesting as a unicorn, mint-condition Geo Metro. You take your Corvette to a cars & coffee, people would ignore it. Take that Geo to one? Conversations would be had.

I just want to throw in there his non-toxic approach to gender and gender roles. You want to be that cross-dressing couple at the party, he’s down. You want a spa day or a day building furniture, either way he’s not kicking up a fuss or threatened. And while all the ladies that he has been associated with are

There should be a comment that some marriages have no nut years. This is that comment.

I’m like 90% sure this was started by conservative incels... which seems like relevant information to include.

Chappelle is the one who is getting 8 figures to stand up and talk for an hour. He’s the one who chooses the topics he talks about. He’s the one who KEEPS taking shots at the LGBTQ+ community, lecturing them that they shouldn’t talk about their struggles in front of black people, implying that they are racist if they

I’m sorry, darling, but when one says, “I’m team TERF,” one is quite literally, in fact, saying that trans people don’t deserve to live, because that’s part of the message of TERFs: trans people don’t “really” exist and don’t deserve to be treated as if they are in fact trans. That they must be forced to “be” what

Honestly, I see all the complaining about “wokeness” as childish outrage from grown men/women that can’t accept a world where their “jokes” are not accepted. 

This reminds me of a terrible coworker I used to have. Her wiper wore out one day so, instead of replacing it, she took it off and stuck the arm in the air. For weeks.

It would be a poetic justice, considering Thomas was confirmed to fill the seat previously held by the great Thurgood Marshall.

Dodge Omni GLHS. Yeah, I’m old but I remember.

Chappelle’s entire thesis has already been proven wrong. He says (and the bigots here say) that if you criticize queer people, you get canceled. No. If you criticize queer people, you get a microphone, thousands of audience members, a paycheck of $24 million dollars, a special on a major streaming platform, and

Between advising pressured teens to have oral sex and her unsolicited advice to Britney to sell her nudes I just don’t like Sharon Stone. Everything she says comes off like she thinks catcalls/ being naked=feminism and this is what this is.

Easiest way and I thought basically everyone already did this. Seriously how is a hack needed when it's more difficult than the easy way??

Being in the Northeast, I’d go with a base Impreza. Low cost, all the amenities and safety features one really needs, and AWD to boot. And the trunk and back seat are big enough for a family of 4 (speaking from experience). 

Ditto on “pro-immune system”—this should mean you are pro-vaccine! Your immune system is not going to feel very well supported when it gets swamped by an unknown attacker that it’s received zero training to combat. It’s going to be like, “You KNEW about this thing? And you didn’t think to WARN ME?!”

RE Neutral:

I don’t even hate his as much as some of the other ‘heavily’ tattooed young’ns out there. Like Miley Cyrus is the first one that comes to mind. They look like they fell asleep and a 3 year-old took an ink pen to them. I hate it when they say, “Oh...I have 87 tattoos!” No you don’t. You have a bunch of scribble

She’s absolutely irredeemable, but I will give her some points for the literary flourish in describing Kushner as “Rasputin in a slim-fitting suit.” I audibly guffawed when I read that.