
Same song, different verse over here. I always bought decent tires, usually stuck with the OE tire or a Cooper, until I needed tires on my E550. I threw some Michelin PS4 all seasons on, and the superiority to the OE continental contiprowhatevers was apparent within the first mile. The positive experience persisted

Through second hand experience, I learned that wives hate every hobby that men thoroughly enjoy, that doesn’t make them money. 

Gibson’s lucky he didn’t kill her defending himself from her intimidating smirk.

I really think the difference is in how the power is used. 300hp in a 2005 Mustang GT feels correct and adequate. 300hp in a 2005 WRX STi feels like a mountain lion is clawing your face off.

Combine ‘The Purge’ and ‘The Hangover’ into one franchise: a group of best buddies have to retrace their steps and figure out who they brutally murdered the night before.

Thin Blue Line crowd (TBL): We love the police so much. Also, we’re signing permitless carry legislation into law everywhere.

Forgetting the /s on the Internet is like forgetting the condom on prom night. You'll think it'll be fine, but probably regret it later.

Sadly, you would be mistaken. Cops brutally murder white folks with regularity but on a less per cap basis than minorities but still far more than any other rich country’s cops kill anyone, regardless of color or socio-economic status.

Jesus fucking christ.

These bastards with badges must be dealt with. Every day its countless other persons shot and killed during traffic stops. What the fuck? Is every cop a giant fucking pussy afraid of their interactions with people? I get being on guard and all but holy fucking shit.

This kid bent down to place a

When using a blender bottle, I found adding some water first before adding the protein has made it way easier to blend and prevents it from getting stuck to  the bottom

I think the slash/yaoi shippers have always been much more aggressive, particularly in attacking anyone who stays in reality when their fantasy comes up (also, in assaulting people with “paddles”), and the idea that shippers have ownership of media has only made them worse. They take the showrunners not showing up at

Remember when republicans were merely obstructionists? “The party of ‘no’”? They’ve moved beyond that into active malevolence. They still do the obstruction thing in congress, because they’re the minority party, now. But when they’re in charge, like DeFuckwits, their entire agenda consists of hurting people that they

Cabin and Engine air filters. I swear I’ve had the filters sitting in my trunk for weeks waiting to be installed, but I just kept putting it off. The fact that it’s so easy and quick actually made it easier to put off - “Oh I’ll just change those real quick tomorrow before work”

Any regular shitbox is no longer just a regular shitbox when it has a manual transmission... it’s a fun shitbox that almost no one can steal or borrow...

I did my driving test in an automatic, but they felt lethargic and unresponsive next to the 5 speed stick in my Ford Escort wagon. Hooked on manuals ever since, even though automatics have gotten a lot better since those old days

Not a slide show?

You don’t get a roof that flies off. <shrug>

In Russia, the vote counts you.

“ It’s a moo point. Who cares what a cow thinks."

no matter who the best Friend is, Ross will always be absolute fucking worst.