Rahm's missing finger

Yes. As a philosopher, yes. Thank you for acknowledging our distress.

I read some wisdom the other day: a woman’s place is in the home and a man’s place is in a coffin.

As a white lesbian, I have to say, I get pissed about the white feminism talk. I was there my partner was there, my daughter was there. The event was very white and very straight. I get a little whiff of homophobia, reaction to radical feminist lesbianism from folks who said they wouldn’t do it. I’m just thinking,

God I'm glad I don't have sex with men. Sounds tedious.

I had a dream in college. I was watching a movie trailer. A little girl was being desperately chased by a disgusting snarling beast. The title of the film was “The Good Man”. I understood I this dream there was to be a sequel “The Excellent Man”. The beat was even bigger and badder. Real dream. I'll never forget it.

I mean college turned me into an angry lesbian. Best move I ever made. The guy has a point, but I think we need more of these lesbian creation centers, personally. I'd vote for the lady.

What a turd. Pretty much everything I see or read about men, or, when it comes to that, many of my daily interactions with men, only go to affirm my lesbianism.