
My gaming history goes as such: NES, GameBoy, Super Nintendo, Genesis, Playstation, Nintendo 64, GameBoy Color, PC (not my first but the first bought/built for specifically for gaming), PS2, Dreamcast, GBA, Gamecube, 2nd gaming PC, PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii, iPhone,Xbox 360, PS3, iPhone 3GS 3DS, current gaming PC,

I've had two Xbox 360s die on me. The first was in 2007, a Pro that died about 6 months after I got it. Cashed in a Best Buy product replacement plan and put that towards an Elite that succumbed to the RROD in mid 2009. Those are the only two systems to fail on me. My original Playstation was on it's last legs when

For all the games I've played, there are many, many, many great titles that I've just somehow never got around to. I think ICO stands out the most among those unplayed gems.

That's a tough question to answer. For single player only games, I'd think it'd be Final Fantasy VII. I've beaten it completely three times and also have a partial playthru or three under my belt as well. I estimate about 250-300 hours total.

I saw the original in theaters 10 years ago (holy shit, does time fly) and felt pretty "meh" about it. It wasn't a train wreck of a movie by any means. But I was a die hard fan of the games and I really disliked how little the film had in common with my favorite games. Through the sequels I've grown to accept the

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I'd call bullshit. I mean there has to be a better way to fight fraud, right?

You should play one sometime. It's had some rough patches but it's a pretty good series of games overall.

This pretty much sums up my feelings towards the Max Payne series. I wasn't crazy about the first game, ignored the second and thought the movie really couldn't have been much worse. What I've seen and read about the third game has me intriged but not enough to overcome reservations and throw down $60.

This article has reminded me that I have yet to play Castlevania:LOS. I feel ashamed.

I haven't played the game. I don't care if the game was plain terrible or an underrated masterpiece. It just plain sucks to see a game company fail. Even worse, the reality that hard working men and women are out of their jobs in the blink of an eye. #goodnewsforpeoplewholovebadnew...

Still one of the best game soundtracks ever made.

How another Vagrant Story hasn't happened is beyond me. I just hope that if one is ever made, it's not reimagined into a FPS. Not that anyone would ever do something like that.

Smart. I wish I was smart but I'm too fond of crashing to desktop for that.

Ouch. :(

I want!

I'm with you. Both companies are very easy to dislike. It's a shame so many good franchises are under their influence.

Based on the property alone, I'm pretty excited. I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan. I really hope they don't water down what makes Elder Scrolls games so great by trying to fit themselves into the mold WOW has made ever so popular. In any event it would seem I'll be rolling a Nord again in the (perhaps not so) near

Great hint that I accidently found out about on the very first conversation between an NPC and my Fem Chiss Bounty Hunter.

Son of a bitch! Ok, Capcom. You can have my money. Again.

Well, this is disappointing.