
As a resident of Massachusetts' north shore, I can attest to GameZone's cruddy trade in rates. I used to shop there regularly but haven't bought anything from them in years. I still stop in occasionally to check out their classic games selection. Which is fairly sizable if not moderately overpriced.

Lots of MVC3 this weekend. I do want to check out Bulletstorm. I haven't played the demo yet but it seems fun. Not that I can afford to pick it up if I liked the demo anyway. So yeah, MVC3.

There's way too much going on in the art for that controller. I'm sure it works great and all but it's a bit too gaudy for my tastes.

Agreed. I actually enjoyed the Zelda cartoons as a kid. I couldn't wait for Fridays to come along. Always wished they'd aired it daily.

Interesting article, funny video, great Batman shirt.

I loved the Scott Pilgrim game that we actually got. Lack of online multiplayer in the year 2010 is still mind boggling but otherwise it was a solid game and one of the best downloadables of last year. I think a beat 'em up game was the right way to go. Though I admit a Telltale SP adventure game would have got my

Thanks for clearing that up, Tracy. I was wondering why I wasn't having any luck with the "bitches".

Metal Gear Solid as a whole. I wish I could reexperience it like it was new again. The over the top boss fights, Cyborg Ninja's identity, Psycho Mantis' mind games, the torture sequence...everything about that game was amazing.


About half this list is right. The other half are just characters from games that came out semi recently.

Loved the Tartakovsky series. I haven't seen much of this new show. I've only seen the "pilot" or whatever it was that was released in theaters. It was pretty horrible. That Truman Capote-esque Hutt was the most ridiculously awful thing I've ever seen. And I've seen Son of Mask.

I never used the Jaguar Pro controller but it sure does look like an uncomfortable piece of crap. The worse standard controller I've actually used would easily be the Xbox "Duke". Terrible.

Absolutely agree. This is something I probably would have bought but never ever would I have used it. That is some sweet looking packaging.

I'm not going to jump on the milking band wagon. I loved the first two games and while I have yet to play Brotherhood, I've heard great things about it. So as long as the quality remains high, I could play a new AC every year.

Saw this yesterday but it's still awesome after a dozen or so viewings. Fuck Yeah.

Good guesses you guys but the answer is obviously Guitar Her....oh wait. Too soon?

Agreed. It's the best because Hutton seemed so sincere about the plight in Tibet up until the point where the ad reveals it's true colors. Clever commercial, really. But I guess it ruffled a few too many feathers.

Aaaaand RadioactiveToy's most anticipated game of 2011 is...

That is awesome. Bravo.

A diet heavy in lead paint chips perhaps?