
Are you serious?

Yeah, I just posted something to that fact.

Some days....... are better than others. A time-share on Alderaan was a terrible idea.

Nope. Sitcoms don't get enough credit. Firstly, they move forward national dialogue (see Golden Girls tackling AIDS and homophobia or Jill on Home Improvement asserting herself by starting her own career). They also provide a mirror for people who feel isolated or hopeless. Sitcoms have addressed bullying, loss and

I got off my lazy butt and did it! It does seem very intimidating in the beginning, but it's extremely simple once you get the hang of it. I'd suggest that you start with one of your secondary accounts (like Dropbox or WordPress) to learn how it works and then turn it on for your email (Gmail/Outlook) account. So far

Really? I shouldn't run an outbound firewall because:

She is dead, dude.


Im so happy a little pice of us is flouting out there

They did. The Cutlass Calais was the first car with the Quad-4, and that was essentially a smaller version of the Acheiva which replaced it. I do agree, this would have been a great engine to slam into a Fiero.

smart sci-fi with an heartbreaking ending

Exactly. I don't know whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. As a future audiophile, I was under the impression that Bose was, excuse my french, overpriced crap.

"You'll get the sound quality you expect from Bose". Very diplomatic statement there.

I'm saving up to build my own computer. According to my research, as long as you've got a good motherboard you can start with a decent chip, a couple gigs of RAM, and minimal peripherals and then upgrade as desired. I'm not a huge gamer anyway - I usually like to pick up the Steam "this game is so old it's 75% off"

OK, maybe it's a false memory, but I think I remember that ad...while Grace Jones is eternally recognizeable, I did not peg that as Adam Ant (looks different without his makeup)

You should be able to tell the difference between CD and lossy compression. It's above CD quality that there's a debate.

Robocop does NOT need to be remade, it is perfect (warts and all). Neither did Total Recall. How about making a re-boot of something that wasn't perfect, but was a good idea? Like Rollerball (forgetting the horrible John McTienan remake) or Soylent Green?

Same with musicians or actors or anyone in culture. 3/4 of the Ramones are dead; Spielberg, Lucas, Scorsese and Coppola are 66-74 years-old; Sean Connery is 83; Ahnuld and Sly are 66 and 67. We're living longer, but eventually time runs out and when you're middle-aged, the people who have been part of your cultural

One of the things they don't warn you about being middle aged- it means that the brilliant authors who shaped your youth fall away, one by one.

The more it dries the wetter it gets.