
Duh, the real criminals here are the parents who dared to look away for a second. I’ve also been told by about a MILLION people on another thread that helicopter parents, not guns, are to blame for the UCLA student who killed their professor, then themselves. Don’t watch your kids close enough? Burn the witch! Watch

While tragic, the loss of this gorilla, we also slaughter one million chickens per day, so we can shove cheap meat into our fat faces.

Deciding her best friend shouldn’t get married or she’s in love with him is a shitty thing to do. Being excluded from your best friend’s pre-wedding weekend getaway because you have the wrong body parts is a shitty thing to do.

There is evidence in Hillary’s support for death on a mass scale among other foibles. Someone who has taken tens of millions from special interests, who was made personally wealthy by lucrative Wall Street speaking fees, who has the strong support of the primary forces fighting fracking regulation in Colorado (who

This is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read.

Trevor Noah didn’t tell her how to react. He was floored, and I was too, that she confronted him with all of his hateful tweets and let the whole thing go with an “did I do that? Oh, excuse me,” then moved on like it never happened.

I think the buckskin suedes and leathers and the magnificent headdresses with the lovely feathers (and oh, the the beautiful intricate beadwork), the pony prints, the carvings and drawings and symbols of the Native Peoples are entrancing and compelling and I can understand wanting to be glorious in them. But it’s not

Well, we’ve never had a sentient cheeto as a major party nominee either.

The draft is shit. Liberal feminists have always said it’s shit. It was shit before women were forced into it. It’s still shit now. This isn’t a “gotcha” moment for anyone. Turns out mandatory requirements and restrictions are—as they have always been—the exact opposite of civil liberty, and the anarcho-socialist

I hated this book. I know, that’s not allowed. But this book wasn’t really about “single” women. It was mostly about women who were partnered with men, but chose not to get married. They were still coupled.

Trump: Make America Great Again

i wish the twitterverse would respond by shopping her on to different things like perhaps a barboons arse

She needs to raise awareness for African wildlife next!

I didn’t realise common traditional Irish names were so offensive. WTF?


“Literally nobody supported you”

Apparently it’s a place where you dictate others’ experiences.

I have no opinion on KK as a Mom. She could be terrific; who knows?

it would probably be better if they did think of emryos as property and not people.

No, the GOP don't think embryos are property. They think women are.