
no one is arguing you need to know what she’s saying, just that it’s ridiculous to write articles about how she’s not saying anything at all. even if you don’t know Patois, one second of research could tell you she’s mumbling.

even in high school i was actively supporting affirmative action in california. my parents would have said “it didnt work out, now lets find a different path”. so, sure, she’s just the face of the case, but she let herself be that. you dont happen into getting swept into a case like this. it couldnt have clashed with

I see what you did there. But losing game 7 of a final by 3 points is the opposite of smoked.

no. its racist to not let iranian actors play one of the few roles that call for them directly.

except for when we play terrorists. then suddenly you dont cast leo

and i can’t remove it so im sure im gonna get some fun response!!! this is my cue to go back to work and not multi task

actually, this was my bad. that comment was meant for someone who responded to you (katie collins) saying he liked sticking to his own and therefore he was racist. totally just clicked on the wrong response. apologies. im with you

I’m good over here. just letting you know that’s not how it works. not a subjective thing

not sure you understand how racism works

yes that’s why she said posting on her app

posting on her APP. not snapchat

people rent homes while on vacation.

ya but I rarely see the Jlaws of the world pennign letters about things aren’t totally self serving. I’d be so much more interested in seeing powerful white superstars talk about how they are on the right side of the pay gap when compared to women of color, or, talk about the pay gap in relation to lower paid labor

its just about one persons understanding or “authenticity” in replicating someone’s culture. it’s that for those of us who benefit from the systematic erasure, racism, or oppression of another group, we should just be okay with something not being about us. Someone might wear a headdress with full respect for native

literally everyone running for political office has teams of people who take on campaigning for them, even as volunteers.

but all the celebrities wearing “im with her” shirts and having hillary cameo’s and PSAs (looking at you shondaland) doesn’t strike you as that kind of person?

Lot’s of parents have children for “selfish” reasons. and many women with chronic or life threatening illnesses have babies. There’s tons of reasons to say someone should or shouldn’t have a kid—too old, too sick, too poor, too much of a douche bag... so it’s probably best we just don’t.

I just want to know if the standard in reporting from now on will be to say things like “the suspects were dutch-american christians” or “irish catholics”.

If you have any sort diamond engagement ring you are not original and did not set a trend. You added saphire. congrats. you are now only mildly different from everyone else who wears an engagement ring except you’re rich. move on.

look up reverse racism and why it’s bullshit. also read the article. the quote about people in salt lake having no trouble meeting white people. it’s asinine if not racist. then there’s the fact that studies show most white people are more likely to self segregate an 3/4 have only white friends. but keep on feeling