This is classy as shit. Good for her. People fuck up but she actually went out and learned something. Yay for learning!
This is classy as shit. Good for her. People fuck up but she actually went out and learned something. Yay for learning!
I’m pretty sure it’s meant as “straighten you out,” which has no relation to neat and tidiness where I come from.
yoga nerd, it’s very fucking disrespectful of you to suggest people use the Kondo method so close to Pearl Harbor Day, my parents were WWII babees
As someone who is sort of 25 going on 12, I kind of read “adulting” as pointing to the dissonance between what we thought “adult” meant as kids, and what it ends up meaning once you get there....
Like in a lot of cases “adult” is a performance just like anything else. I have to attend a conference for my work this…
This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.
Boo hoo. If they want to undermine a necessary public institution by opting out, they can pay for it.
I went to a private, Christian school and would have never expected the city to fund anything regarding my education. It is a private school for a reason and it is up to that particular school to pay for its own security.
I don’t know the situation but I think you are reading a lot into this. It sounds like a frustrated mom dealing with a major transition period in the relationship. The rest is just projection. Eta: and to add, young people also have to learn to have a relationship as an adult with their parents. It’s usually a mutual…
“The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.”
-Ryan Gosling, Crazy Stupid Love
Good points from both you and Owlrich. I think one of the things that is being is missed is that porn has been — for most of its history — focused on the satisfying male desires and often at the detriment of women. Can feminists working within that system really change that system? Porn is certainly not the exactly…
I think we should be very careful when someone is packaging something and selling it to us saying “this is empowering to women” in general, and especially using a medium that has a track record for being anything but empowering!
You know, if it helps you contextualize my point of view, you can label me anti-porn. That’s fine, it’s not really something that I’ll lose sleep over. But it seems like a meaningless label that’s more of a way to dismiss my albeit sometimes glib opinions, but I assure you they’re geninue thoughts and attempts to…
I don’t see Owlrich “shaming porn actors”. She is just saying that “pornography relies on the degradation of women and normalizes painful and humiliating sexual acts.” which is absolutely true. It is not the female porn actor’s fault or shame. They must feed themselves. It is the porn industry in general, which hurts…
I’m pretty sure, from what I’ve absorbed by osmosis off this site is that he was much lauded as the cute and unthreatening feminist-approved dude with “JAMES DEEN IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND” type articles. Only now it seems people are writing about how're never actually said he was feminist and it was mostly due to his…
It’s very strange to me. Feminists agree that patriarchy exist and that misogyny still shapes modern society. Third-wave feminists analyse (as they should) all aspects of society and the consequences that power imbalances between men and women have on our behavior, on the position of women in society, on relationships…
But isn’t that like saying that because Tom’s of Maine is an ethical company that the way the vast majority of products operate is pretty terrible and messed up? Notice you outlined the problem with the majority of porn and then your final sentence was basically “but there is some porn that is not like that” Well, is…
Isn’t that what he was famous for? Feminist-endorsed porn? And of course I mean the kind of feminist who somehow thinks capitalism and feminism can co-exist in harmony, not the other kind. Please disregard the third sentence of this paragraph. I beg you, do not comment on it.
Either this is the most transparent lie since the last time Ben Carson said something, or this crew member doesn’t know how to airport or how to New York.